I'm not even sure what tags to give this any more. It's a drabble-length piece, starring Alatan and one of her interdimensional companions (individual unspecified); they keep winding up on islands, to Al's dismay. Written for
sim_spiration's challenge 100 Words or Less. Exactly 100 words
Alatan stiffened.
“Relax,” her companion said. “Lean back. I'll hold you until you can float.”
She tried. It was all too much. Deep water was an old fear, and this swimming costume left her shamefully bare. Trying to relax with someone's hands on her back, on top of that -
She came up sputtering a lungful of water.
“Come on, let's try again,” he said. “This time -”
A long pause. “You'll be safer here if you learn to swim.”
“I'll be safer here if I just stay out of the water.”