For the fist time ever I kind of love my job. I work with three ridiculous old sailors. The captain: a fat middle-aged dwarf. The minister: A greasy balding ex-con who wears the same half zip pull-over sweater with no shirt underneath zipped down to wherever his chest hair probably looses some of it’s spring. And the other deck hand who’s a 60 year
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Comments 8
P.S. I really want to know what the needle trick is.
He is reading a book about French pastries. God I hate sharing a bed with someone who snores.
I don't have your address so I can't write you letters. How is the boat? I want to move to the East Bay when I come back and go to Laney for my welding cert. Need a lady on that there boat? I keep things real nice and clean.
The boats doing good. Still gutting the damn thing. It should be liveable (minus electrical and plumming) by the end of may.I'm having some trouble figuring out how to fully dry out the bilges after pumping out all the residual water (hardly any air flow down there) I'm thing it'll just take a lot of towels (shitty).
Everyone around here has been awesome about helping me out with the project. It's really great.
I've been taking jobs as a cabinetmaker (out of no where). I got some books from the library called stuff like "77 home wood projects even you can do" and then declared myself a carpenter. Now im doing 500 dollar projects and I have an "apprentice" (sucker).
So far its only me and collin on the boat and it would be wonderful for you to join us.
With a welding cert you can come work on the dry docks with me.(shitty) (sucker)
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