February 18th, 1982

Sep 18, 2009 11:05

I've never truly been a Kestrels fan (if I must pick a Quidditch affiliation, then I'm an Arrows bloke), but I am so happy that they managed a win last weekend against a team that wasn't the Cannons. If nothing else, it actually made Dee smile for a little bit. Her confidence level had completely bottomed out (something the press made sure to mention a few times, no wonder she's been bloody avoiding them), so this is definitely a positive thing for her. I know she can play well, but it's infinitely better if she knows she can still play well (they didn't recruit her straight out of Hogwarts for no reason, after all).

I'm hardly expecting her to bounce back to her 'normal' self, because what she's going through is not exactly something one deals with quickly and moves on. She may never I just want some of the old Dee back and a Kestrels win is certainly going to aid that.

If you're still okay with it, I'm going to try and speak to Dee again about staying with us for a bit. She may be in a better mood this time.

Well, it looks to be a bloke's night in this evening! It appears that my wife has drawn a Friday night shift at work, thus leaving me and Tommy to hold down the fort. I'm looking forward to it - I've had a lot of extra work to deal with this week, so a night at home without any of it (because I am finishing everything before I leave here for the day) is just what I need to start the weekend, I think. Not that I have a lot planned for the rest of the weekend, though. That's kind of nice, for once.
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