The Portland State University Disability Advocacy & Cultural Association is hiring three paid part-time student Coordinators. Applications are due this Friday. Position descriptions and application instructions are under the cut.
Disability Advocacy and Cultural Association
1. The DACA Coordinator is responsible for the management of the entire organization, making sure the individual parts assemble into a coherent whole, and for rendering services to students and advocating for students to various entities within PSU. Stipend of $358/month for 10-12 hours of work per week.
a. Specific Coordinator duties and responsibilities include: confidentially maintaining the personal contact information of all DACA constituents; attending the annual SALP trainings; working with others in the university system to optimize disability services; organizing with the other DACA staff members, campus units, faculty, staff and community volunteers, and other volunteers, to plan and carry out large scale conference type events such as Deconstructing Disabilities and the Diversabilities Conference; with the consultation of the other DACA staff, and the DACA constituency, preparing a five-figure SFC budget, or more, for the following school year; Managing the budget; Managing the office space; facilitating weekly DACA staff meetings or delegating that responsibility to someone else if circumstances prevent attendance at that meeting; facilitating DACA business meetings or delegating that responsibility to someone else if circumstances prevent attendance at that meeting.
b. All coordinators must comply with SALP guidelines regarding academic requirements, credit hours, etc. All coordinators are responsible for: performing general office tasks as needed during the course of the workday; meeting with the DACA staff weekly; serving as a peer advocate and providing support for students with diverse disabilities to various entities within PSU and to the surrounding community; acting as a liaison between students, SALP and Faculty Advisors, and the community; collaborating with other student organizations and campus entities whenever possible or necessary; becoming familiar with the rules and regulations of the latest version of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and referring appropriate complaints to the DRC; relating to all DACA constituents as unique individuals; maintaining knowledge of individuals and organizations at PSU and in the community who are providing services to individuals with disabilities; and becoming familiar with the arts and culture of people with disabilities.
Required qualifications:
• Experience leading teams and/or groups
• Experience working or participating in disability culture and community
• Experience advocating for self or others
• Experience planning events
• Experience working with diverse communities
• Ability to work cross-culturally
• Strong organizational skills
• Experience facilitating groups
• Experience recruiting and motivating volunteers
• Ability to articulate the medical model and social models of disability
• Ability to manage funds and keep track of deadlines
• Stewardship and confidentiality
Preferred qualifications:
• Ability to explain some of the ways that ableism (or disableism) and other forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, heterosexism, etc. intersect or co-occur.
• Ability to identify allies to DACA and build relationships with key members of the local disability community, faculty and administrators and staff, and student leaders.
• Experience with leadership development (either of self or of others)
• Experience with community organizing
• Understanding of PSU disability services and systems
• Experience working with student groups
Applicants should provide a cover letter expressing their reasons for applying for the position, a statement about some of the experience they have had working with or participating in disability culture or communities, and brief explanations of the medical model of disability and the social model of disability in the U.S.. Accommodations for any part of the hiring process will be granted if requested.
Applications are due at noon on Friday, 12/4/09 in the SALP office (119 Smith Memorial Student Union).
Physical Address
119 SMSU
1825 SW Broadway
Portland, OR
Mailing Address
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207
Ph: 503.725.4452
Fax: 503.725.5680
leadership AT
salpweb AT
2. The DACA Cultural Arts Programming Coordinator is primarily responsible for event planning, events that are related to student interest and social support. Stipend of $358/month for 10-12 hours of work per week.
a. Specific Cultural Arts Programming Coordinator duties and responsibilities include: planning and carrying out at least two public arts/cultural events per term outside of any DACA subgroup activity; assisting DACA members or subgroups to organize cultural events; maintaining awareness of accessible recreation opportunities on campus and publicizing to PSU’s disability community; maintaining awareness of accessible presentation spaces on campus that arts events take place in and publicizing them to PSU’s disability community; and maintaining awareness of classes that include content about people with various disabilities; gathers ideas for events from other DACA staff and student population.
b. All coordinators must comply with SALP guidelines regarding academic requirements, credit hours, etc. All coordinators are responsible for: performing general office tasks as needed during the course of the workday; meeting with the DACA staff weekly; serving as a peer advocate and providing support for students with diverse disabilities to various entities within PSU and to the surrounding community; acting as a liaison between students, SALP and Faculty Advisors, and the community; collaborating with other student organizations and campus entities whenever possible or necessary; becoming familiar with the rules and regulations of the latest version of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and referring appropriate complaints to the DRC; relating to all DACA constituents as unique individuals; maintaining knowledge of individuals and organizations at PSU and in the community who are providing services to individuals with disabilities; and becoming familiar with the arts and culture of people with disabilities.
Required qualifications:
• Experience working or participating in disability community
• Experience advocating for self or others
• Experience planning events
• Experience working with diverse communities
• Ability to work cross-culturally
• Strong organizational skills
• Ability to recruit and motivate volunteers
• Ability to articulate the medical model and social models of disability
• Ability to keep track of deadlines
• Stewardship and confidentiality
• Knowledge of some of the diversity within disability culture
Preferred qualifications:
• Ability to explain some of the ways that ableism (or disableism) and other forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, heterosexism, etc. intersect or co-occur.
• Ability to identify allies to DACA and build relationships with key members of the local disability community, faculty and administrators and staff, and student leaders.
• Understanding of PSU disability services and systems
• Experience working with student groups
• Experience working with or participating in disability cultural activities
• Knowledge of some of the diversity of disability art and culture
Applicants should provide a cover letter expressing why they would like to work for DACA, a statement about some of the experience they have had working with or participating in disability culture or communities, and brief explanations of the medical model of disability and the social model of disability in the U.S.. Accommodations for any part of the hiring process will be granted if requested.
Applications are due at noon on Friday, 12/4/09 in the SALP office (119 Smith Memorial Student Union).
Physical Address
119 SMSU
1825 SW Broadway
Portland, OR
Mailing Address
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207
Ph: 503.725.4452
Fax: 503.725.5680
leadership AT
salpweb AT
3. The Outreach Coordinator is primarily responsible for community connection within PSU and Portland at large. The Outreach Coordinator will attend meetings at campus groups outside of the DACA, to sell co-sponsorship and establish relations. They will also recruit volunteers, educate and provide resources to student groups on how to include people with disabilities into the events they are planning. Furthermore, the Outreach Coordinator will also provide services and advocacy to students who are in need. Stipend of $358/month for 10-12 hours of work per week.
a. Specific Outreach Coordinator duties and responsibilities include: maintaining awareness regarding possible attitudinal barriers that faculty, staff, and/or students might present to students with disabilities; maintaining and updating the fully accessible and functional DACA website; recruitment of volunteers for the DACA; attending meetings of PSU student groups outside of the DACA to establish relations and establish co-sponsorship of activities and services; attend meeting with a disability related organization focusing on physical disabilities; attends 6 different student group meetings per term to establish relationships; facilitates the co-sponsoring of relevant events and the co-sponsoring of DACA events by other student groups.
b. All coordinators must comply with SALP guidelines regarding academic requirements, credit hours, etc. All coordinators are responsible for: performing general office tasks as needed during the course of the workday; meeting with the DACA staff weekly; serving as a peer advocate and providing support for students with diverse disabilities to various entities within PSU and to the surrounding community; acting as a liaison between students, SALP and Faculty Advisors, and the community; collaborating with other student organizations and campus entities whenever possible or necessary; becoming familiar with the rules and regulations of the latest version of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and referring appropriate complaints to the DRC; relating to all DACA constituents as unique individuals; maintaining knowledge of individuals and organizations at PSU and in the community who are providing services to individuals with disabilities; and becoming familiar with the arts and culture of people with disabilities.
Required qualifications:
• Experience working or participating in disability community
• Experience advocating for self or others
• Experience planning events
• Experience working with diverse communities
• Ability to work cross-culturally
• Strong organizational skills
• Ability to recruit and motivate volunteers
• Ability to inspire others to join DACA and attend the events of DACA
• Design and advertising skills
• Ability to establish long-term professional, respectful working relationships with diverse people
• Ability to articulate the medical model and social models of disability
• Ability to keep track of deadlines
• Stewardship and confidentiality
• Knowledge of some of the diversity within disability culture
Preferred qualifications:
• Ability to explain some of the ways that ableism (or disableism) and other forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, heterosexism, etc. intersect or co-occur.
• Advertising experience
• Graphic design experience
• Website design and maintenance experience
• Knowledge of design programs (eg. photoshop, dreamweaver)
• Ability to identify allies to DACA and build relationships with key members of the local disability community, faculty and administrators and staff, and student leaders.
• Understanding of PSU disability services and systems
• Experience working with student groups
• Experience working with or participating in disability cultural activities
• Knowledge of some of the diversity of disability art and culture
Applicants should provide a cover letter expressing why they would like to work for DACA, a brief description of their experience advertising for events or organizations, or their experience with website or graphic design, and brief explanations of the medical model of disability and the social model of disability in the U.S.. Accommodations for any part of the hiring process will be granted if requested.
Applications are due at noon on Friday, 12/4/09 in the SALP office (119 Smith Memorial Student Union).
Physical Address
119 SMSU
1825 SW Broadway
Portland, OR
Mailing Address
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207
Ph: 503.725.4452
Fax: 503.725.5680
leadership AT
salpweb AT