Richard Beer at the Hollywood Theatre still has not gotten back to me.
brimtoast and I have decided that at this point it would be absurd if they gave the date to anyone else, so whether or not he confirms by then, Thursday(the 28th) is our latest possible date to go public. And since by that point we'll only have a couple days, we need to go WAY public.
So, people, let's go to it. Comment or email( if you can help out with any of the following:
-Flyers. Can you print some out? Get some copies? Post them someplace? If you can afford to either print out a few copies at home, or get some copies at a Kinkos, that would be awesome. Or if you know any place you could post flyers. Or if you know any place someone else could post flyers. You get the picture.
-Contacts. It's not what you know, it's who you know. Do you know anyone in radio, television, newspaper, etc.?
-Other groups, fandoms. Post on message boards where it's even a slight possibility someone could see it and come. If you are a member of any kind of group or community that this could work a little bit for, tell them.
-The basic idea is: TELL EVERYONE.
-Let me know if you can think of anything else, or post here.
We also need stuff to do during commercials. Any thoughts? We have, of course, the B. Y. O. N. contest, but we'll need more. And I was thinking of perhaps a short recap of the first two seasons before the episode.