hm... yeah, i know, it's a bit late. school really sucks. :( team terrible mods <3
anyway, here's the final. good luck! :)
Guidelines and Picture:
- You must submit three icons.
- The graphics must be new and never posted before
- Don't post your graphics until the results are announced
- You can use all effects, except animation.
- Your icon must fit within the lj limits - 100x100px, 40 kb.
- Please post your graphics as a comment to this post (picture and url).
Deadline - 23(Friday) of January 2009 17-00
Icon 1.
Icon 2.
Close-up. You can use any images of Natalie, but icon must be a close-up of her face.
Icon 3.
Text. You should add any text on icon. It can be name too. :)
You can find images
Need them in: