rockthisinternet (1:15:24 PM): oh will you illegally download a song for me
lamd4 (1:16:08 PM): okay
rockthisinternet (1:16:18 PM): hollaback girl by gwen stefani
rockthisinternet (1:16:19 PM): lol
lamd4 (1:16:21 PM): yay you noticed im in homestead
rockthisinternet (1:16:26 PM): yea i did
rockthisinternet (1:16:26 PM): haha
lamd4 (1:20:06 PM): ay when will it start downloading
rockthisinternet (1:20:29 PM): lol
lamd4 (1:20:34 PM): oh never mind lol
rockthisinternet (1:20:37 PM): lool
lamd4 (1:20:38 PM): i didnt notice it was at the bottom
lamd4 (1:20:39 PM):
rockthisinternet (1:20:42 PM): hahah
lamd4 (1:21:16 PM): k
lamd4 (1:21:20 PM): quieres conectar?
rockthisinternet (1:21:32 PM): si un momento
*sends song*
rockthisinternet (1:23:01 PM): yaay
rockthisinternet (1:23:03 PM): gracias
lamd4 (1:23:11 PM): no problemo
rockthisinternet (1:23:15 PM): ¡wepa!
rockthisinternet (1:23:18 PM): lol
lamd4 (1:23:19 PM): LOL
rockthisinternet (1:23:25 PM): hahaha
rockthisinternet (1:23:28 PM): you loled big
lamd4 (1:23:34 PM): un pasito pa
lamd4 (1:23:37 PM): 'lante maria
rockthisinternet (1:23:42 PM): l\LOL
rockthisinternet (1:23:45 PM): UN DOS TRES
lamd4 (1:23:53 PM): UN PASITO PA 'TRAS
rockthisinternet (1:23:57 PM): HAHAHAHAAH
lamd4 (1:24:33 PM): k im downloading that now
rockthisinternet (1:24:57 PM): lol i have it
lamd4 (1:25:00 PM): oh lol
rockthisinternet (1:25:04 PM): i can send if you want
lamd4 (1:25:09 PM): haha its okay
lamd4 (1:25:13 PM): <33333 limewire
rockthisinternet (1:25:18 PM): i know
rockthisinternet (1:25:20 PM): its so the best
rockthisinternet (1:25:35 PM): im listening to maria
rockthisinternet (1:25:35 PM): hahah
lamd4 (1:25:42 PM): hahahahah
lamd4 (1:25:43 PM):
rockthisinternet (1:26:09 PM): thanks for the song :D
lamd4 (1:26:16 PM): ur welcome
rockthisinternet (1:27:16 PM): blasting ricky martin
lamd4 (1:27:21 PM): woooot
lamd4 (1:27:44 PM): me too
rockthisinternet (1:28:03 PM): UNITE RICKY MARTIN
lamd4 (1:28:09 PM): WEPA
rockthisinternet (1:28:12 PM): WEPA
Spring break was mucho awesomeness, as expected. I actually went to the beach after a 10 month hiatus, and got tanned without getting sunburned. I went to coral reef and got bored and talked to hudson while he was bored... I lost my check card (but got one today)... went to key largo to go kayaking (highly recommended for anybody)... did a bit of shopping... went to a goth club... SLEPT... and stuff. I wish there was another week.
OH I'm going to FSU from april 1-3. :) For some GLBT conferences. Should be much fun.
Anyway... school is starting again on monday, and I should get back in routine. Last thursday, when I took my biology exam, there was a fire in the building, so everybody had to get out of the building... and 5 minutes later we went back in to finish. The professor was thus outraged about the cheating... so we have a redo exam this coming thursday........ blah. Sucks. And I should go to the gym again.
And uh... that's about it. Must go nap.