Title: Never Rating: PG Summary: Ginny takes it upon herself to expand Harry's horizons. Word Count: 1,455 Notes/Warnings: Harry/Ginny. Rather very fluffy. Yes indeed. :) Written for r_becca's Alphabet Challenge.
*squees* That was absolutely adorable and oh, so happy!
Harry grabs his bowl and practically runs after her, knowing he looks a bit daft but also knowing that he is a bit daft, and that he thinks something important might have just happened and he doesn't want to lose it.
Hee! Overly-eager!confused!daft!hormonal!Harry. Loved it.
This is wonderful! I just found it from cruising r_becca's HG Challenge entry, and I have been giggling through the whole thing--you know, the "Oh, they're so cute, oh I remember being that age, go ahead and kiss her already!" kind of giggling.
Comments 16
"Oh, do you?" she laughs.
"Yeah. A lot, really."
She laughs again and he catches her mouth with his mid-laugh.
"It's probably my favorite thing in the world," he says.
ROFL! Too perfect!
Oh... the sweet, painful innocence. Very nice!
Harry grabs his bowl and practically runs after her, knowing he looks a bit daft but also knowing that he is a bit daft, and that he thinks something important might have just happened and he doesn't want to lose it.
Hee! Overly-eager!confused!daft!hormonal!Harry. Loved it.
I'm very, very impressed.... love it! :)
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