Cursed? I think so.

Jul 02, 2004 23:36

So I feel cursed lately. Today I went to the extent of driving an hour to see this girl only for her to flake on me because she was hanging with someone other guy and didn't want it to be "akward." I go to Orme lady, not much makes me feel "akward." That one kinda of sucked, I hadn't seen this girl in many years and I really wanted to see her. I ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

sweetpea86301 July 3 2004, 00:14:36 UTC
Oh jesse dearest, is this why you were trying to call me tonight? Sorry I didn't call you back but I will call you first thing in the morning before i go to work, I promise! Hang in there, it will get better, don't let that girl get to you, GIRLS ARE RETARDED! She doesn't know what shes missing!!!


princessjes July 3 2004, 18:29:50 UTC
caitlyn is totally right, she doesnt know what shes missing. feel better jesse. call me later, i'll buy you dinner.


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