>::: WhAt You kNoW aBoUt Me :::
>My name is:
>My age is:
>The school I go to is:
>My best friend is:
>Check the following that apply to me....
>ugly( )
>cute( )
>hot( )
>pretty ( )
>sexy( )
>nice( )
>mean( )
>rude( )
>cool( )
>brat( )
>kind( )
>quiet( )
>loud( )
>shy( )
>weird( )
>helpful( )
>selfish( )
>ghetto( )
>crazy( )
>has fun( )
>dumb( )
>stupid( )
>friendly( )
>caring( )
>a friend( )
>enemy( )
>listens( )
>shares( )
>talkative( )
>popular( )
>boring( )
>creative( )
>funny( )
>stubborn( )
>smart( )
>a bitch( )
>a flirt( )
>slutty( )
>a player( )
>confusing( )
>different( )
>depressed( )
>sweet( )
>ignores you( )
>Controlling( )
>mood swings( )
>attractive( )
>annoying( )
>attention getter( )
>hilarious( )
>yells a lot( )
>gets mad easily( )
>Beautiful( )
>~* NoW sOmE qUeStIoNs *~
>Do you consider me as a true friend?:
>How long have you known me?:
>When you first saw me, what was your impression?:
>Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?:
>What song (if any) reminds you of me?:
>Have you ever had a dream about me?:
>If you could give me anything, what would it be?:
>What is the best feature of me?:
>Wat is the worst feature of me?:
>Do you look up, on, or down on me...as a person?:
>Do you consider me as a good friend to you?:
>Do you think I consider YOU as a good friend to ME?:
>Have I ever been there for you?:
>If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be?:
>~* AbOuT You aNd Me *~
>YOUR best memory with ME is:
>YOUR worst memory with ME is:
>The worst thing I have ever done to you is:
>The best part of my personality:
>Do you like me like..."THAT"?:
>Would you ever kiss me?:
>Have you ever considered being my boy/girlfriend?
>If we spent a day together, where would we go & what would we do?:
>If you could describe me in one word what would it be?:
>Did you ever have a crush on me?:
>If so...when, do you still?:
>Do you wish we were closer?:
>Do ya luv me?:
>Would ya hook up with me?:
>If YOU could tell ME one last thing, it would be?: