[ application | sirenspull ]

Apr 22, 2011 13:32

Player Information
Name: Kerry
Age: 20
AIM SN: fontcroire
email: fontcroire @ gmail.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? I'm currently in paradisa, hellpointe & ilpromenade
Currrently Played Characters: N/A

Character Information
Canon Source: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Canon Format: Movie
Character's Name: Wilhelmina Harker
Character's Age: 58

What form will your character's NV take? Mina's NV will take the form of a journal with both written and audio capabilities (assuming audio through magic, she's had a brief encounter with magic but no personal experience). Video will transmit only as audio and any audio will be automatically transcribed/dictated by the journal.

Character's Canon Abilities: Mina has the superhuman strength and speed that comes with being a vampire though she keeps it contained, preferring to go about fitting in as a human. When needed, generally in self defense, Mina will use these abilities. As a vampire Mina has the ability to fly, either herself or in bat-form, and can summon other bats to herself with a high pitched cry. In human form Mina's speed is that of any other human - at least that's how she prefers to keep herself in order to fit in. As a vampire her speed increases, more so with the more into her vampiric form that Mina goes (especially when flying or as a bat). Her speed and strength aide with her fighting skills as well as her agility, allowing Mina to easily clear great distances or to throw others the same distance. When flying Mina's speed is at it's quickest and her precision allows her to move easily from targets. When in full vampiric form Mina no longer looks human, her movements often too fast for her to be fully glimpsed also. Her skin takes on a more gray tone and, though a cliche, she would be described as a 'harpy'. As well this Mina possesses the vampiric healing and is invulnerable to most wounds and forms of death. In terms of injury Mina can heal almost any injury, providing that the weapon is removed - a blade through Mina's heart will kill her but only while it is still in place. Garlic and silver, while cliches regarding vampires, do not harm Mina - nor do crosses or sunlight (other than draining her abilities). There is little that can kill Mina due to her healing abilities - decapitation being one of the few methods that can, possibly even stakes. She also hasn't visibly aged since being turned. Mina is also a trained and very able chemist.
Weapons: Mina keeps two knives tucked into her coat. ( example )

Character History: Mina's history, including dates and details not given or elaborated on in either Dracula or League of Extraordinary Gentlemen are headcanon. Due to certain conflicts between Dracula and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen there are some elements of Dracula that have had to be ignored (or twisted slightly) in order for them to fit with both canons - as Mina is originally of Dracula and later in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Mina was born Wilhelmina Murray, the only daughter in a small middle class family in 1841 in London. They lived comfortably and Mina spent the majority of her time with Lucy, her best friend through school. After school, Mina spent much of her time, and many summers, visiting her friend Lucy in Whitby. Mina was a smart girl, different to her peers through her ideas and had a wish to learn more. Mina learned reading, writing and shorthand and, when she was older, extended her skills into more education aspects and trained to be a chemist.

Mina met a young man by the name of Jonathan Harker, a bank clerk, during the early portion of her life. The two began a courtship and, in 1861, they became engaged. It was during a business trip of Jonathan's when things started to change - not only for the pair but also for Mina's friend Lucy, also. After Jonathan travelled to Transylvania on business Lucy began to fall ill. A man by the name of Van Helsing was summoned to care for Lucy, though his efforts were in vain as Lucy eventually died - something which Mina was unaware of due to being in Transylvania caring for Jonathan. It is not until after Mina and Jonathan, who had married in Transylvania, returned to England that they learned of Lucy's demise and then a much worse fate. It is with the help of Van Helsing that Lucy is finally put to rest after being slain, preventing her vampiric self from rising again.

After an offer from Van Helsing Jonathan began working for him as his assistant, with Mina aiding in various clerical matters, though things became problematic when Dracula returned - the man that they learned to be Lucy's killer and a vampire himself. With the aide of Van Helsing again, as well as their friends Morris and Seward, they fought a dangerous battle in their attempt to destroy Dracula. Their battle was successful but yielded several casualties - Jonathan was killed during the fight but Mina had been captured by Dracula. After having been taken under his influence Mina had been bitten, turning herself into the creature that they'd fought. Unfortunately Dracula's death didn't reverse the transformation. Scared for her fate, her friends and what this meant Mina fled - keeping herself hidden, hoping to keep under control the now bestial nature that lay within her.

Mina met a man named Dorian Gray five years later. In the short time that they knew each other they were together as lovers, Mina attracted to the power of Dorian and him to how interesting she was. Though she was unaware of Dorian's uniqueness, his own 'curse' and inability to age, Mina recognised that there was something special - different - about him. Their relationship wasn't to last and, for a reason still unknown to Mina, Dorian cheated on her. This betrayal broke Mina's heart, though that fact wasn't something that she wouldn't ever tell, and caused her to end the relationship.

Mina has taken other lovers since then, though Dorian's betrayal and her wish to protect both herself and others has kept relationships from properly blooming. In the time between then and when Mina would meet Dorian again, Mina spent much of her time working on her research - though she'd accepted what she had become it did not mean that she was happy about it nor enjoyed it, particularly when it came to feeding. Mina's research currently involves examining her own blood, as well as that of others and animals, as well as looking at chemical based alternatives to help with her need to feed. It's her silent research, not reaching out to other minds in fear of being found or for their repulsion, that has kept Mina's existance silent to that of the world - those that knew her would, most likely, think her dead.

It wasn't until the summer of 1899 that Mina would see Dorian again, her role in the League being that of two things - to entice Dorian into joining the League but also for her own special abilities. Mina's role in the League utilised not only her background in chemistry, and slight surgical knowledge, but her vampiric abilities also. Mina, although at first seen as only a distraction and a set back to the mission of the League, provided more than useful for the League - giving cover in a gauntlet as well as being able to quickly and efficiently take down the enemy. Even though it was later revealed that Mina's purpose in the League was so that Dorian would be able to steal her blood, Mina was a crucial part in preventing the power of the League from destroying the world - as well as in stopping Dorian Gray.

Point in Canon: From the end of the movie. The movie ended with, after stopping The Fantom/Moriarty's plans, Mina killing Dorian and Mr Quatermain dying, the rest of the League (Nemo, Sawyer, Skinner, Jekyll & Mina) at Mr Quatermain's graveside in Africa, saying their thanks and goodbyes and deciding on what to do next. Had Mina not been brought to Siren's Pull she would have returned briefly to London to gather a few items before joining the League on the Nautilus.

Character Personality: Mina is a calm and collected individual, though some may see her as cold. Her iron will is what controls and prevents Mina's vampiric nature from showing and being dominant over her life. Mina explains her 'cold' demeanor as her being fearful of where unbridled emotion would lead. She has a sharp wit about her and is able to throw back challenging remarks and sarcasm with ease, something which is a testament to her intellect.

Mina has little patience for annoyances, as was shown with her early encounters with Mr Skinner, and is shown to hold high values and morals - though youth and sweetness aren't traits that Mina holds in a high regard, whereas self-assurity and bad manners are traits that she can't stand. As 'proper' as Mina is for her time there are elements of her that are a contrast to Victorian propriety, not least of all the fact that she is a vampire. Mina is a strong and independent woman, more so since the death of her husband, and has shown that - contrary to her appearance - she does not need a man to look after her. To the contrary, she's an intelligent woman who thinks logically, allowing little to dissuade. When angered, however, this becomes a different story.

Mina's vampiric, almost bestial, nature is a contrast to the woman who is normally presented to you. Her iron will is seen to dissolve and her thoughts - and more precisely her actions - are more aggressive and decisive, logic falling to a more animal will. It is rare that Mina is angered to such an extent, however, and generally irritations, annoyances and even light anger will be reflected back and dealt with by her wit and various caustic remarks. It is only in rare situations that the full force of her anger is seen and usually, when not requiring to feed, Mina only turns to her vampiric nature in a need for defense - or attack if that is the case.

Other than fearing what may become if her vampiric nature is left unchecked, Mina keeps her steel control over herself for another reason - although she may have now come to terms with what she has become, Mina is repulsed by what she is, particularly when it comes to feeding. Mina takes no pleasure in the killing of humans to sustain herself and does so only for necessity. It is her hope that one day she may be able to find an alternate solution. She has tried other methods before, mostly in terms of animal blood, and while they can sustain her they do not do so with as great an intensity. Between lovers, research and being approached to join the League, Mina kept herself mostly hidden - protecting others from herself; she fears seeing and feeling the same repulsion from others that she feels from herself. Mina doesn't relate well to others, a mix of her being a vampire and keeping herself hidden from others. Many things which would concern others - politics or general world views - have little impact upon Mina and her thoughts - she's seen the world change before and knows that she'll see it change many times again.

Character Plans: Mina's a fascinating character in her reactions not only to others but to herself as well. I'd like to explore her behaviours more in Sirens Pull, different types of characters and to 'reintroduce' her to the world - she's been hiding for a long time, it would be nice to see what happens and how the new situation and people will affect her.

Appearance/PB: Mina is played by Peta Wilson in the movie. ( icons )

Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[ Mina hadn't been here long, directed quickly to some strange form of housing after a quick explanation. She had felt the presence of others, though those others she could tell were different. She'd heard of the dangers, though what she had been told had seemed... inconsequential. It didn't seem enough. In the safety of the indoors she had been told more. Introduced to a linked network and yet... it seemed too much. Not real. Confirmation was what she needed, for one, along with proof. Opening the journal, the diary that she'd started many years ago, she penned a quick note. Her handwriting was neat, elegant, though she wasn't quite sure about how this would work, or even believed enough to expect a reply ]

Good evening. My name is Wilhelmina Harker. I have been informed as to the basics of where I am, though it would be of great assistance if more detailed information could be provided. I would be grateful for anything which could be given.

Yours, Wilhelmina Harker.

Third Person Sample
In the pitch of the black, the light had been the only thing that Mina had seen. Its location was unknown, as was her own. The feeling of nausea and disorientation had quickly faded, though the fact that she even felt it was curious enough. She shouldn't feel anything of the sort; she hadn't since she'd died.

Her eyes attuned easily to the black of the night and she turned slowly as she looked around. It wasn't hard for her to know that she was out of place, her Victorian dress a contrast with the location that she found herself in. Mina couldn't described it. It was a field of some sort but... it was nothing like she knew. Oddly placed seating and strange markings on the ground. The lack of familiarity with her setting was worrying but not visibly so - she'd learned long ago how to keep her feelings hidden, along with controlling how she reacted to them. Mina found it hard to believe that where she was was possible. Another impossibility was her being here. She didn't sleep and there was nothing known that could incapacitate her, save dying and Dorian had been the last person to kill her, though her being here was proof enough that it hadn't worked. It was confusing. She had brief ideas going through her head but nothing solid or complete enough to be a theory.

"What is this place?"

It wasn't long after the question had been asked before Mina felt the presence of another. Hearing their quiet footsteps she turned, facing in their direction and looking straight at them. Her first impression was that they seemed more familiar with their location, though she wouldn't have said more comfortable. She said nothing, not yet, simply waiting. The few seconds more of silence gave her more to go on; feelings of others, smells, even partial body language. This did not seem good.

"Where am I?"

Mina did not doubt that she wouldn't like nor wish to ear what they would say. Her location, her impression, her confusion, they all added up to tell her that something was amiss - not that she hadn't quickly worked that out with her own feelings. Whatever this was... it was bigger than what she had faced previously and, if she allowed herself to feel fear, it scared her.

& sirenspull, * application

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