RP: All fun and no work

Jul 20, 2009 16:49

Characters: Lee Jordan, others?
Location: Hunter Moon Cafe
Date: July 20, 2000
Status/Warning: OPEN/None
Summary: Lee does some work outside the office
Completion: InComplete

He still had not heard anything back about the clock. Really, it was seriously beginning to bother him that George had not tried to get him back yet. Or maybe he has? Lee's eyes scanned the room. Better double check the flat when I get home. He wouldn't put it past George to do something and Lee not even realized it has happened. Sipping on a cup of tea, Lee looked over his notes from his meeting with his boss along with a calendar. The league did their best to spread the games out so no teams played on the same night, which meant Lee saw about two matches a week, plus any other interviews he could scrap together for the rest of the week. Life was about to get very busy, but that didn't mean he didn't have time to prank George. He'd just have to schedule it in.

in progress, 2000 07, place: hunter's moon cafe, neville longbottom, lee jordan

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