1. What do you do for fun? writing, reading, bowling, hanging out, games
2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation? if they were alive i guess my old friends. if they are gone, i would have to say my grandma
3. What is your favorite comfort food? comfort food? not sure. my favorite foods are pasta and rice though
4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? (Do you dance; or express yourself through music, conversation, etc.) writing
5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on? i would give it to my parents or buy a car.
From the
1. How many hours do you normally sleep at night? it depends. i can sleep from around 7 to 10 hours per night.
2. Do you wish you had more time to sleep? Or do you wish that you slept less? it all depends. on a normal basis, i want to sleep more.
3. Do you like sleeping? surprisingly so. i have no idea why but to me it is the best time of the day.
4. What is the longest continuous period that you have spent awake? Why did you do it? i think around 32 hours was my record. that was during a finals week and i had three finals.
5. If you were offered the chance to eliminate sleep from your life, with absolutely no negative physical or psychological side effects, would you take it? Why or why not? What if this chance was only possible for you, and not for any of your friends or family, or society at large? I would not take it for the simple fact that no one else would be able to. Unless I had a night job as well as a day job so that while people are sleeping at night, I could stay awake. Besides, although there would be no side effects, you still need to give your brain a break, unless this deal came with a perfectly firing brain so that I would be alert and have no stress.
1. Favorite brand of jeans: I really don't have one.
2. Magazine you read regularly: none, not a big magazine girl
3. If a button came off your clothing, could you sew it back on? I think I would after a while.
4. Have you ever had a curfew? I was never the type to go out at night so no.
5. Most dangerous thing you've done: not sure.