I got hitched.... yes, i did..... and then i saw jared and it made me mad. But, Clay was there and it made me happy.... until he hit on sara... hehe jp.....
sara came in on friday nite. we partied on sat nite, but i went to sleep at midnight, i'm a wuss....then we played halo yesterday, and i went to sleep at 11, again..... i'm a wuss...but i'm getting married on saturday and everyone must be there....
I'm getting married in 12 days.... kinda spooky huh? I went out with Renee and of all people, Sarah Bertouille. We went to Tumbleweed and saw Thomas Bell, went to Wal*Mart and saw Kendra Richert. THEN in the parking lot we saw Lori Simon. It was CRAZY! Denmark is coming in on Friday. I'm super happy!
i have to write a speech about washing your hands..... sounds like fun huh? btw, value city furniture sux! we bought a bedroom set from them in the beg. of sept. they still haven't delivered it... they keep screwing us around.... it makes me not a happy camper.... but my sister is gonna have her baby maybe today or tomorrow... yeah!!
i went to chicago this weekend... took my first ever plane ride... i loved it!! i like seeing the tops of the clouds! it's so cool!! i can't wait until halloween!!! yeah! i wonder what liz decided to be????