the writing meme that actually takes more than 30 days to do

Nov 23, 2011 03:00

more 30 day writing meme~

Day 10 - Your character when they were young(er)

Mm, okay. Let's go with Matt, because my headspace is filled with fandom and Shadowed, so.

Mostly, I just think he would've been adorable. Not really shy but sort of shy in that 'OH, I don't know if I like you :c' sort of way for a while, but then he'd just sort of open up and be all :D you are cool \o/ (and then Jon ruined all that when he got older.)

And he's like, super into playing (especially building stuff), and makes all sorts of weird things out of Legos and stuff like that. Climbing trees and trying not to fall and sneaking ice cream and cookies and charming his way out of punishment.

He's a bit of a 180 from what you see in Shadowed, but I'm hoping to change how he comes across in Shadowed a little, anyway. I've always felt like he's been far too... weak, and that wasn't the picture I wanted to paint.

Day 11 - What kind of people show up in the background in your world?

Not a whole lot of people are background characters. They're always there, but I don't focus on them terribly.. in writing, at least. I imagine that my background characters are just as fucked up as my main characters, though. You know. All sorts of problems, but they don't want to really admit them. Then there are the people that are happy regardless of what happens, and are just full of sympathy.

And then there are the messed up people that seek to destroy other people's lives.

Day 12 - How does a character comfort themselves?

I've never thought that Matt is all that great at comforting himself, really. Maybe he tries to ignore it? Jon's got him petty well tied down, and he doesn't exactly have ~hobbies~, so it's, yknow, tough. I'd say that any memories of 'better times' would just make him feel worse, so thinking back when Times Were Cool wouldn't really help him. Maybe thinking ahead, to when he's out? And after he's out, maybe thinking of how nothing is as bad as it used to be, that even though bad shit happens to the good people, there are always people like Dallas that are willing to, yknow, help.


Day 13 - What kind of foods are popular in the setting?

Uh. Foods? ;_; That's a good question. I don't really do a whole lot of focusing-on-food. But I think I have a tendency to write about pasta. Maybe that's just my imagination, but, er, pasta.

Also, Matt doesn't do a whole lot of eating, and the scenes where he does eat, it's not like the food is relevant, most of the time. Not that I make it sound like he eats mush, but. Yeah.

All these questions are just making me sound like a terrible writer? (ohgodmaybeiam)

Day 14 - What is a character’s biggest regret?

Dallas's biggest regret is probably letting Alex's death affect him for as long as it did. This is a guy that, when he loves, loves without end, and I think that really breaks him when those people ultimately leave (Matt, Alex) and he's just sort of left in pieces.

Emily's would be that she didn't stand up to her husband, or get out while she still good to get out, or that she didn't see Jon's personality slip into something dark until it was too late.

Jon's (others) would (cliche-ly) be that he got caught. :/

Day 15 - What are a character’s bad habits?

Oo. Jon doesn't brush his teeth. He swears a lot.

Dallas has a habit of letting his anger get the best of him (not showcased much in Shadowed, but in the NaNo he was in, it happened a lot).

Emily does a lot of judging, even though she's in no place to judge. She has a habit of bringing back terrible boyfriends that actually terrify Matt (post-Shadowed, in the not-really-a-sequel).
...I really wish I was writing Shadowed for NaNo. Would've gone a lot better.

30d writing meme

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