Hi! Time for double results! Theme's for the next LIMS and normal week will be up shortly after, don't forget them! ^_^
first place;
spottedtail second place;
flyawayxx third place;
spottedtail Congradulations!
And... LIMS2 WEEK 3 results!
Leaving us:
mah_tennyoBest of show:
iceduelistParticipants for week 4;
kaneha iceduelist spottedtail I must say, it was hard competition, all the icons were really great! I can't wait to see the icons for next week. :)
icon 1; (-4)
- I love seeing this pairing around, even if I don't support it too much, but I don't like the border, and the images aren't the best quality.
-- The text down the middle really makes the icon feel broken up; especially considering the theme, I think a different layout would've worked much more effectively
- The colours look strange to me. It seems too dark around Oshitari's face.
icon 2; (-2)
-- Actually, it was a hard pick. The background just didn't match, and more could have been done to the text.
+ The colours in this icon match well and I like cropping.
- I actually really like this! Regretfully, the competition is really tough. I had to look at all the icons for a while to figure out my choice. However, the thing that I figured was...what happened to Sakuno's arm on the right?
icon 3; (+3)
+ the textures match, and the text fits in.
+ I like the colour and the bold text
+ Amazing! I love the brightness of the icon~ Well done! :D
icon 4; (-5)
- I'm not really sure what to say here except that it feels like it's been done before; the selective colouring, radial blur border; I'd like to see something a little more interesting. Also, the selective colouring is a little extreme; Ootori's hair is teal in the icon, rather than it's normal colour. Perhaps adjusting the adjustment layers to fit the picture better?
-- I know I'm biased, but I've seen this style wayyy too many times (one tutorial too many, no?). Also, ootori's blue hair is kinda weird. But that's not EXTREMELY terrible; I'm just being nitpicky, because it's an otherwise beautiful icon. :)
-- It looks too blurry and I don't like colouring. The icon maker should add some more colours or improve image quality more.
And the origional voting post is
Also, I'd like to get the banner problem fixxed, so I'm also going to make a post just for asking all you great iconists which banners you want. :)