the universe is hilarious

Apr 05, 2010 18:17

I'm not a religious person by any means, but if there is a God out there, I do not imagine Him as a a giant old guy with a beard and ugly sandels but rather a just a bored dude sitting at a computer, eating potato chips and playing one huge game of Sims. Life is simply full of way too many coincidences and silly happenstances for me to believe otherwise. I can't say I wouldn't do the same if I were God. I can only imagine the crazy scenarios I would put people in for my own sick amusment.

That being said, it's been a good seven or eight months since I've seen Sean. Yet a mere 12 hours after posting my previous entry, who the fuck do I run into at the fucking mall today?

It was awkward as hell and I was caught completely off guard. I was walking with my brother Chris towards Game Stop and he was coming the opposite way. I think I saw him first. As we passed, I saw him double take at Chris for a second, then finally notice me next to him. I freaked out and in effort to keep my composure, I just gave an acknowledging wave and kept on walking. Chris, who always liked Sean and doesn't really know about my deal with him, was like, "umm, what was that? You know that was Sean, right?" I looked back and Sean was just standing there staring at me, so I went back to talk to him. It pretty much went like this:

HIM: How are you? 
ME: uh... I'm good. 
*awkward half hug*
ME: We're going to buy MK vs DC. It's going to be awesome. (Sean and I used to play this game for HOURS when we were together. There's good times there.)
HIM: Well, that's nice. I'll see you later?
ME: Later.

God, I'm such an idiot. I wanted to hyperventilate and cry in a corner, both at the same time. I can't believe the emotional place I'm in right now. Why am I trippin' like it's 2008 here? I'm going to chalk it up to me being on my period right now and hopefully I'll be back my usual badass, free-spirited self next week.

There's so much I wish I could have said instead. I want to catch up with him and know what he's been doing this year. I want to show him my new car and laugh about the fact I went on a date with Sam. We were friends once. Can we just go out for dinner sometime and talk? Sigh. I just wish I acted differently.

I texted him an hour later to apologize for my initial rudeness, but he didn't reply. Maybe that's not his number anymore or maybe he just really care, but I'm just going to go watch "Hes Just Not That Into You" and call it a day. Thank God, I was wearing something cute and not looking like a crackwhore. Small favors.     
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