Apr 22, 2011 11:48
So here's your mod, sneaking in to let everyone know that yes, the fest is still going on. We're just going to have to move some of the dates back, in part because we still need more artists, in part because I've MIA, as you know. Sorry about that. I wish I had a good excuse, but it just seems to have been one thing after another in 2011 so far. (As I write this, I'm on my way out the door and won't be around again until Monday.)
So here's the plan:
Wednesday, April 27
Last day to send me your rough drafts. Please email me (Word or Google Doc is preferred) at trinday at gmail dot com. I also need:
Characters and Pairings
Once I have all of these, I will distribute the summaries to the artists, who get to choose which story they want to illustrate.
Saturday, April 30
Last day to sign up as an artist.
Saturday, May 21
Last day to submit your final copy (insturctions for formatting to follow early next week, I swear) and last day to submit your art.
Saturday, May 21
Posting begins