Having a Thought Here

Jun 28, 2011 22:29

Okay, so I've watched OST more times than I care to admit, and the wheels are beginning to turn. Admittedly rusty, yes, but turning nonetheless.

At the risk of spilling the beans, I'll put the rest

In the beginning of OST we see Teague giving Jack advice regarding the FOY, and then refers him to a ship that is looking for a crew. Now, if Teague had heard, as all of London's waterfront seemed to have heard, "that Jack Sparrow be puttin' together a modest venture", wouldn't Teague have gone in to see him? At that point, he would have known that it was Angelica, not Jack. Is it too unlikely (again, given the small world of the waterfronts) that Teague would have known the QAR was in port (if not London, then somewhere near)?

Taking this further, did Teague set Jack up? Or did he refer Jack to the "recruiter" thinking he would set the imposter to rights? Or, did Teague know the Pearl was on the QAR and he was trying to help Jack? Or, was Teague and Blackbeard in collusion?

There's a good chance Teague wouldn't have known in advance that Jack was going to show up in London... or did he? Again, word travels fast through the waterfronts. Plan, Providence or blind luck... or unlucky, as the case might be.

Or, going in an entirely different direction: was Teague a figment of Jack's imagination?

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