Name: Diamar
Age: 18
Location: Bottle in the Atlantic
Nicknames, or what you prefer to be called: Di will be fine. =)
About You
Three positive adjectives about yourself: Honest, quirky, realistic
Three negative adjectives about yourself: Absent minded, stubborn, rebellious
A few of your likes: Lessee...I like video games, reading (books and manga), drawing, writing, acting (I love acting), listening to music, just thinking for no reason, sex (did I say that?), but my friends most of all, they mean a whole lot to me. Oh, and the beach and the ocean, I love them. There's nothing like spending the day there and watching the sun set.
A few of your dislikes: Hypocrites, close-minded people, and food. I don't have an eating disorder...but I dislike eating food anyway.
A few of your pet peeves: Yeah, I'll just say hypocrites again. I also absolutely can't stand it when people tell me what to do.
A few of your talents and hobbies (please differentiate between the two): My hobbies are more or less the same things I like: video games, manga, reading, writing, listening to music and drawing. As for my talents, my three big talents are acting, writing and playing guitar.
Where do you see yourself in ten years (include things like the job you’d like to have, where you’d like to live, if you are married or not, etc): Well. I see myself a very successful movie actress, probably in a steady relationship if not already married, and even if not everything's going the way I want them to, I see myself generally happy. If acting never works out, then I hope I've got a couple of good minimum-wage jobs and a nice small apartment to scrape out a living. Either way, I hope I'm not dead yet. >_>
Your motto on life, or how you like to live it: You are stupid for trying, but better to be stupid and try than to be cautious and right.
Your three favorite books and why they’re your favorites:
1. The Time Traveler's Wife- One of the most unconventional love stories I've ever read, and yet, it can still be just a classic romance story. It hooked me from the start and I cried as I read the ending. It's really not your traditional book.
2. 1984- Orwell's vision of the future. After reading it, I realized that most of it didn't surprise me, because he was right, only off by a decade or two. It still scares the crap out of me though. It's creepy.
3. East of Eden- It's like a retelling of the first chapters of the Bible's Genesis. This time though, instead of condemning one of the character's to Cain's fate, at the end he's told that he now has the freedom to make of his life what he wants. It has an interesting premise, an interesting story, and most of my life's philosophy is based around that book.
Your three favorite movies and why they’re your favorites:
1. Original Star Wars Trilogy- These were before George Lucas starting using smack or something. These were really great films, well-directed and well-written. You can laugh at the movies, be shocked, get sad and enjoy the whole mythology that it's got. Also, who doesn't like space epics with laser swords?
2. RENT- I love this movie. I saw it in theaters cuz someone told me it was excellent. They were right, the characters and story just totally hooked me. I laughed and cried and I wanted to see it again when it was over. And it's a lot of fun to learn the songs and just sing along. Really great.
3 Pirates of the Carribean- This gets a spot as one of my top favorites because I was one of those who loved the movie before it got tons of promotion after it was released. In all honesty, it was Jack that hooked me to this film, him just being an insane pirate and making me enjoy every second of the film. Entertaining to the max.
Where do you feel most at home? I feel most at the beach I think. I like it most there, because I can just sit on the sand and hear the waves and feel the breeze. If I get the cash someday, my house'll be by the beach.
Pirates Related
Why do you like Pirates of the Caribbean?: I love it because it's such an entertaining movie with substance. I mean, who's never been intrigued by pirates? Plus, with the characters, especially Jack, they add personality to the movie that a lot of other movies don't have because the characters are boring and flat. Johnny Depp decided to play his character the way he did, and he did an awesome job. Let's face it, his character is probably what hooked most of us to this movie.
Who’s your favorite character and why? (This does not mean who you feel you’re most like): I like Jack the most. He's fucking crazy. I love crazy characters and people like that. You never know what he's really thinking, and he's always in it for himself. In the end though, hard as he tries, he really can't help but be a good guy on the inside. He's just, y'know, crazy.
Who do you feel you are least like in Pirates and why? Hmm...probably...Will. He has really black and white definitions of good and bad, and even though it's not a bad thing, I don't think that fits me very well. There were other things, but I kinda forgot now. I might edit later...might.
Miscellaneous Ramblings
Where did you hear about this community?:
sectums3mpra led me here with cookie crumbs. Actually he just promoted it in his LJ so I clicked and joined, since I'm kind of a rating comm addict anyway.
Post at least 3 clear photos of yourself (if you have no pictures, just describe what you look like):