Name: Hannah
Age: 18
Location: Detroit
Nicknames, or what you prefer to be called: erm…you can really just call me Hannah, it’s fine ^__^
About You
Three positive adjectives about yourself: loyal, headstrong, honest
Three negative adjectives about yourself: emotional, stubborn, violent
A few of your likes: political arguments, feminists, environmentalists (tree huggers YAY), punk music, cheese, biking, snowboarding, writing, reading, classic rock, playing online
A few of your dislikes: stupid people, naïve people, people who try and change who I am, authority figures at my school, the Bush administration, Tony Blair, conservative wackjobs, when the word *like* is used in a sentence 50billion times. Damnit, people, just…say ‘umm’ if you don’t know what to say!, running, broccoli
A few of your pet peeves: *cough* the word like, people who think they know what they are talking about and they DON’T, people who say they are brilliant at something and then really aren’t, Christians who try and convert me >.<’
A few of your talents and hobbies (please differentiate between the two): talents: snowboarding, writing, arguing/hobbies: saxophone (AH! I get to play Phantom of the Opera (the like theme tune) for my band! WOOT!), reading, writing, snowboarding, mountain biking, drawing, making jewelry
Where do you see yourself in ten years (include things like the job you’d like to have, where you’d like to live, if you are married or not, etc): In Africa (not sure where…>.>) working for some charity organization (red cross, etc.) as a physiotherapist to help people walk with replacement limbs (so mainly places that have land mine issues). Perhaps with an adopted son, but I think that would be later. Oh, and I will be able to speak Dutch, Spanish, and Chinese at least basically, probably have a grounding in Nordic languages, because I want to work with my degree in Europe first (work my way from university (England) to Holland, Denmark, Sweden, and Spain). Yeah, maybe I’m a little overambitious, but w/e.
Your motto on life, or how you like to live it:As cliché as it sounds, it’s that I’m only gonna live once, so I had better damn well make it matter. None of this poncing about trying to please other people: At the end of the day, everything is for me. And if I happen to care about someone, fine, I’ll kill to keep them safe, but I’m not going to, say, put off my plans because of some authority figure. I don’t believe in a higher being or an afterlife or anything else, so you have one shot, one chance not to fuck everything up. And if you do fuck everything up, well, screw it, because as long as you *enjoy*, it doesn’t matter about other people’s opinions. Yes, it does get me into trouble. I guess I believe you make your life what it is. You make you what you are. tut tvam asi, meaning thou are that, implying that you make yourself *that*, whatever that is for you.
Your three favorite books and why they’re your favorites:Clockwork Orange, because of the psychological implications. Also, I like Alex. I know he rapes people and murders some of them, but…the way he narrates…I have a thing for messed up characters. I dunno, I need to watch the movie still, but I really love the book. The Princess Bride, because it’s quite stupid and makes fun of basically all fantasy/princess books out there, without outright making fun of them. And the author has a sense of humour. The Bell Jar, simply because it made me feel understood. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from that.
Your three favorite movies and why they’re your favorites: Sadly, I fear I must leave PotC off of here, because I have many favourites. But I assure you, the first is my fourth favourite movie. ^__^ Now, favourite would have to be V for Vendetta. I like the message. I am planning on perhaps having “People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people” be my senior quote. Then comes Indiana Jones (oh pick any one, I love them all) because I am super infatuated with Indie. I want to *be* him, honestly. Then lastly Mona Lisa Smile, because even though it pisses me off, I find it fun to watch, and it makes me think how much of a feminist would I be if I had been alive then…
Where do you feel most at home? England near London or Switzerland, near Zurich. I am so far away from the people I love…I want to go home. :(
Pirates Related
Why do you like Pirates of the Caribbean?: Because it’s exciting! I have likes Star Wars and Indiana Jones since I was little, and Pirates seems to fall under the same sort of swashbuckling adventureness with humour thrown in. Johnny Depp is very cute also
Who’s your favorite character and why? (This does not mean who you feel you’re most like): I really do like Jack. He’s so funny. The whole “How did you get off the island?” “I rode turtles…using human hair…from my *back*!” made me laugh for the longest time. Also, he is very strongly oriented towards his goals. And honest. He doesn’t really lie all that much, but he’s clever with it. He just…’forgets’ to tell you all of the truth. *cough*andhe’sveryveryattractive*cough*
Who do you feel you are least like in Pirates and why? Uh, I’ll have to say Will. I dunno…all this noble running about rescuing people. And he’s so easily tricked. And whiny. I just don’t connect with him at all. Maybe I am like him, but I don’t think I am. And not that I even don’t like him, it’s just I feel that we are very different people.
Miscellaneous Ramblings
Where did you hear about this community?: I was searching and found it! ^__^
Post at least 3 clear photos of yourself (if you have no pictures, just describe what you look like):
(I’m the nonAisan one! XD)
(Oh me at Prom again…I <3 my dress)
(I’m the second from the right. The girl sort of half hugging the tall guy? Yeah, that’s me!)