Title: Jack o’ Bedlam
Author: Tiamary
Pairing/characters: J/E
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Two months after her one day with Will, Elizabeth finds Jack who is suffering from post-traumatic psychosis.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Disney, and I am making no $ from this fic.
Warnings: Mental illness, Sparrabeth, language
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Comments 6
I enjoy writing stories with some angst but while there are many fics in which the angst is rooted in Jack and Elizabeth's relationship, I'm going through a phase of preferring to write stories in which Jack and Elizabeth have a good or at least building-toward-good relationship, but are caught in a bad situation.
She had never known before the profound tenderness and love that came with being so needed
As naotalba wrote in her story "Opium": It is a powerful thing, to be needed by someone so strong.
Hopefully the power doesn't corrupt Elizabeth.
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