Title: Oedipus Jack
Author: Tiamary
Pairing/characters: J/E
Rating: These last two chapters are PG13
Summary: Jack and Elizabeth cope with the revelation that she married Jack’s father.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Disney, and I am making no $ from this fic.
Warnings: Extreme!Sparrabeth, language, violence
Author's notes: PoTCfest
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Comments 4
Oh, and I to am hoping for a sequal. ;-D
It isn't often you find such a bruising portray of dear old Teague. I rather liked it! Anyhow, I know this was supposed to be all short and such, but you just can't leave us hanging like this!!! Where is the babe? Who is the new Keeper? Is Will pissed? Inquiring minds want to know! I love your Jack and absolutely must see more of him and this blossoming relationship!
Sequel? Pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee? I'll love you forever and give you cookies and and and juice! Yeah, everyone likes juice.
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