uh. so. these lists were originally scribbled at the back of my geom/algeb/chem notebook, but i just wanted to share with whoever's interested what i'm gonna be doing for the next few days.
er... well, read parts of your journal already.. it's ok, really, i've been corrupted even before reading it.. that's high school in the philippines for you. :)
Honey, trust me, I seriously doubt you've been corrupted with gay-talk before. I went to HS in Alabang. I'm gay and I wasn't *this* debauched! My friends here made sure my naivete disappeared along with my 'bagong salta' appearance and accent! That's my life here in California!
You seem to have an open mind and I'm glad. Read the Journal, that's fine. I bet it's amusing to your *virgin* eyes! LOL!
Comments 4
You're too young to be corrupted by twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings!
Kamusta Pinas? Haven't been in 14 years. Just wondering.
You seem to have an open mind and I'm glad. Read the Journal, that's fine. I bet it's amusing to your *virgin* eyes! LOL!
Take care cutie!
and your journal is indeed amusing. lol.
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