Many apologies for the lack of Sue yesterday. I would say that
Catherine Swann and that
scary-ass trollfic (which is, thankfully, gone now) broke me for a while, but my pain threshold is actually higher than that. In actuality, my computer is just a thing of evil that would not allow me to go online. Anyways, I'll do two Sues tommorow since it's a
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Comments 17
Bad sentences. Very bad.
And "quirked her crystalline eyes" is just ridiculous.
How in the deep circles of hell can this Sue think she is funny? *shudders*
...It gives us the opportunity to stuff them into period clothing. *smirksmirk* Honestly, I didn't MEAN to break her ribs with the corset!!
Have I mentioned how much I pity Johnny Depp? He tries to be taken seriously as an actor and these godawful fangirls come along and it all goes down the drain. I was ranting about it to anni_the_diva just the other day.
Lisa slowly became aware of these surroundings at the same time she had become aware of her painfully tight dress that threatened to smother her with its maroon velvet that shimmered capes of blue at every ruffle and fold when hit by the musty candle light about her. God, she was gonna suffocate in this thing.!
However, he never expected her to pounce. She had grabbed to lapels of his shirt, shoved him against one of the stables that lay listlessly in the alley, and crushed her lips to his own.
Poor Jack. That'll bruise the lips, it will.
"Yo-Lego-butt, I'm talking to you here," Lisa snapped her fingers under his nose, impatiently trying to recapture his attention. *thwacks Sue ( ... )
This Sue is pure EVIL!
To Miss Sayanna: Why rewrite the movie? WHY?? Presumably you liked it, or you wouldn't be bothering with fanfiction about it. So then didn't you notice it was good without your 'friend' joining in?
And she was something to be intoxicateing; was as artfully shaped as any glass bottle to be found.and a thirst was no stranger to her either.
I'm sorry, does that make sense to anyone else?
She's obviously drunk, or wants to be drunk, or is trying to explain what being drunk really means. Become one with the rum.
Oh boy, I'm going to be loads of fun at work tonight >:)
Although, you know, rum bottles don't seem to be particularly "artfully shaped". If I was shaped like a rum bottle, I wouldn't be bragging about it.
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