Well the day has arrived. Imagine my surprise to find a rather, dare I say it, amusing post from Lupin. I personally find it rather telling that one such as he would complain of fleas of all things. Perhaps my gift will be met with some gratitude.
The catalog was quite emphatic that this was treated for even the most stubborn of fleas and ticks. And if Lupin was stocking up on *cough* werewolf snacks, then perhaps these will be of interest. Of course, I spare no expense for a fellow colleague.
The clerk at the local pet store assured me that this was a very popular snack among discerning canines around the Hogsmeade area. I think perhaps if Lupin had something to chew on, he would be less cheerful. While I'm not advocating a foul mood as a full time occupation, frankly anyone this optimistic is rather unsettling.
This morning when I opened my door, what did I find on the floor but a copy of that accursed book that Lupin's been waxing poetic about. Something about the power of positive thinking or some such nonsense. I will not be taken in by such absurdity. I didn't do it when Albus gave me a copy of Seven Highly Effective Habits of Potions Professionals for my birthday. I was not fooled by the "anonymous" gift of Common Cauldron Management Mess-ups for Christmas, and I'm certainly not hoodwinked by this latest incarnation of self-help awareness. It is enough that I have to attend Anger Management sessions with Black; I certainly don't need extra reading material on improving my "karma." However, Lupin seems to have taken everything to heart. I am rather alarmed at the change.
I even came prepared with my best barbs to date. But rather than garner a reaction like sulkiness or out and out pouting, Lupin smiled and laughed. It's not natural, I tell you. Now it's "Good morning, Severus," "Severus, that's a very interesting book you're reading," "Oh, shepherd's pie, my favorite! Don't you agree, Severus?" and the most unsettling, "Is that a new haircut you're sporting, Severus?"
He has obviously gone around the bin and is completely off his trolley. Anymore cheerful comments from him and I'll suffer from an enormous toothache. Even my rather enormous glee at seeing Hufflepuff serve a particularly spiteful detention (thanks to Filch for the idea) was not enough to dampen Lupin's spirit. Was quite gratified to see Black flush like a overripe beet at some silent communication, no doubt having to do with said detention. I was beginning to worry that I had lost my carefully cultivated sarcastic touch.
I think I will stick to my quarters for the next week or three. He just cannot be very stable at this point. Who knows what he's capable of? I am certainly not looking for a repeat performance of the Whomping Willow Incident.