challenge post

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  • Homework Assignment Nineteen

    dani0110 wrote in potter_land Jan 04, 2012 19:40


    01. The challenge is a writing based one. Each team has been given a startoff prompt that one member can claim and then answer. Each answer has to be at least four sentences. After you've written your post, leave a prompt for the next person to start.
    02. You have to wait for two more members to post before you can post again.
    03. Each post ( Read more... )

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  • Homework Assignment Seventeen

    lavanille wrote in potter_land Jan 03, 2012 19:17

    Crossword Puzzle

    01. Your challenge Teams Godric, Rowena, and Helga is to complete this crossword puzzle.
    02. Each word that is correctly placed will receive +1 point.
    03. There is a total of 20 points, +1 points each for your sigtag/team icon which means a total of 22 points total.
    04. Fill in all spaces on the crossword puzzle ( Read more... )

    challenge post

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  • Mod Post

    haces222 wrote in potter_land Jan 02, 2012 21:32

    Okay the team cuts have taken place if you can't see this post then it means you have been cut ( Read more... )

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  • Year Two Welcome

    haces222 wrote in potter_land Nov 01, 2011 09:49

    Okay the cuts have been made if you cannot see this entry it means you have been cut if you feel there was a good reason for not being able to comment on the team roll call let me know here and I'll see what I can do about putting you back into your old teams

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  • Last minute reminder

    haces222 wrote in potter_land Oct 31, 2011 09:24

    All those who want to stay in potter_land you have 24 hours to comment to your team roll call or you will be cut tomorrow and will have to re-apply to come back

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  • To pimp or not to pimp

    haces222 wrote in potter_land Oct 29, 2011 12:32

    When it comes to pimping I'm not a fan of it, belonging to 7 different lands sometimes the pimping can get a little much if they're all going on at the same time...But sometimes it's needed

    So far in the comment or cut entries we have

    Team Godric 13 so far have commented (go here to comment)
    Team Helga 14 so far have commented (go here to ( Read more... )

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  • Third entry of the day

    haces222 wrote in potter_land Oct 25, 2011 13:21

    I noticed several people have been confused with the roll call/ registration entry, basically they are comment or cut entries so if you want to stay on for year two you'll need to comment to your team roll entry before November 1st or you will be cut and need to reapply

    GODRIC HELGA ROWENA SALAZARJust click your team name and reply to ( Read more... )

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