I have one question....is it ok to be with someone but really love someone else just as much as the person you're with? cuz if it isnt then i'm a bad person.(well...worse than i already am)
i need to cut. i haven cut for 18 days and i'm going craaaazy.i want blood out of me NOW. but i cant cuz then i'd let every one down(like they care)
i'm a snogging slut.ok i've said it for the world to see....and i'm proud of it too!!!!!hahahahaha!!!!!!!!ok i'm hyper, i'm sorry. i have to stop eating pixie stix.
oy...saugus is SO booooring.....i pricked my hand with a pin today....tyler's b-day is 11/22...i've got to remember that...ehm...i went on a shopping spree @ barnes & noble,bought loads of harry potter shit....i read krystal's slash fiction folder today...god she rox...thats all...l8rzzz