i'm stupid... haahaaa

Dec 01, 2005 22:53

i thought today was november 31st

1* Last thing you ate: samoa girl scout cookie!!

2* Last word(s) you said: goodnight?

3* Last song you sang: "debaser" - the pixies

4* Last person you hugged: i don't know... maybe my dad?

5* Last thing you laughed at: the tv

6* Last time you said I don't remember: i don't remember.

7* Last time you cried: ummm i almost cried after school today... i felt sick =(

8* Do you wish on stars? yes

9* Hugs or kisses?: hugs i guess... i'm not really affectionate

10* What did you do last weekend? thanksgiving!, rent, coffee, coffee, coffee, the city, paint

11* Who do you live with?: my family

12* Do you wear glasses or contacts? both... haha but usually just contacts

13* Favorite smell: cookies baking in the oven

14* What color socks are you wearing: green..

15* What's under your bed: drawers.... with old sentimental crap in them

16* What time did you wake up today: 6.30.... then i went back to sleep.... then 7.20

17* Current clothing: flannel pajama paints... xc sweatshirt... yeah i'm sexy

18* Current taste: water.... wait does that have a taste?

19* Current hair: still in the process of drying... kind of eh

20* Current annoyance: cramps

21* Current longing: i want it to be the weekend!

22* Current desktop background: hmmm... stone henge? haha i think my dad put it up

23* Current worry: college shizzz

24* Current hate: my freaking insomnia!

25* Current favorite article of clothing: hmmm... i have a couple of cool sweaters... oh and my leopard tights!!

26* If you could play an instrument, what would it be: piano... b/c it's impossible

27* Favorite colors: turquoise =)

28* Do you believe in an afterlife: i suppose so...

29* How tall are you: 5'5"!! finally! haha

30* Current favorite word/saying: wtf!?

31* Favorite book: harry potter!... and gone with the wind... joy luck club... grapes of wrath... and so many more... i'm a nerddd

32* Favorite season: autumn!

33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and redo something: what?

34* Favorite day of the week: fridays... b/c then you still have saturday to look foward to

35* Where do you want to go for college?: shut up.

36* What is your career going to be like: GAAH!

37* How many kids do you want: ehh... not too many. kids kind of bother me.

38* Favorite flower: lillies!

39* Favorite outdoor activity: hiking


40* Said "I love you" and meant it: not in that way

41* Been to New York: pssshyeah

42* Been to Florida: yes

43* Been to California: no... i'm going in march!

44* Been to Hawaii: nah

45* Been to Mexico: nope

46* Been to China: no

47* Been in a car accident: yeah when i was little

48* Gotten flowers from someone: yess

49* Cheated on someone: nope

50* Studied a foreign language: spanish... but not anymore

51* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: yeah my goldfish tried to eat me

52* Do you have a crush on someone: of course

53* What book are you reading now?: pride and prejudice.. i have to finish it so i can see the movie!

54* Worst feeling in the world: when people yell at me... i hate being yelled at

55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: JKcf64d3457w3ese5az32... yep that's pretty much how i feel

56* How many rings before you answer: i don't answer the telephone.

57* Future daughter's name: elizabeth... or summer... or something else?

58* Future son's name: pilot inspektor

59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: not usually

60* If you could have any job you wanted: oprah

61* Wish you were where: asleep

62* Future College plans: don't talk to me!

63* Piercings: ears

64* Do you do drugs: only on wednesdays

65* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? i don't know... whatever my mom buys... haha

66* What are you most scared of: thunder, big bugs, inclass essays

67* What car do you have?: passat!... but i miss the volvo

68* Who is the last person that called you: ummmm? i don't know... maybe my mom

69* Where do you want to get married: a nice place

70* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: procrastination

71* Who do you really hate: no one really

72* Are you timely or always late: timely... i'm so freaking anal about time

73* Do you have a job: no

74* Do you like being around people?: sometimes

75* Best feeling in the world?: happiness... warmth

76* How many pairs of shoes do you have? a lot... but i dont wear most of them

77* Are you a health freak: no!

78* Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: not really

79* Do you want someone you don't have?: ... i don't know.. is it really possible to "have" someone?

80* Are you lonely right now: kind of

81* Think fake people are stupid: ummm not stupid... just sad

82* Do you want to get married: eventually

83* Do you want kids? not now


84* Cried: probably

85* Bought Something: pretzels at lunch today.... haha

86* Gotten Sick: yeah

87* Sang: yes

88* Said I Love You: to my mom

89* Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: not really... it would be weird

90* Met Someone: what?

91* Moved On: umm?

92* Talked To Someone: yeah

93* Had A Serious Talk: yesss haha

94* Missed Someone: yeah

95* Hugged Someone: i don't remember

96* Yelled at Someone: probably

97* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be with: no actually i have not

98* Kissed someone: no

99* Have you ever been heartbroken: no

100* Do you like the way things are right now: yes ma'am
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