I can't really type well with a splint on my finger, so excuse the obvious typos.
Last night my finger just kept swelling and swelling, so my mom thought it was time to take my to the doctor's. She goes and calls all these walk in clinics (since it was about 7:30 and my family doctor doesn't stay into the evening on Mondays), and turns out 1 of them is only open till 7, one of them has no doctor or nurse on Mondays (Why is it even open?), and one of them closes at 8, so we had to go there.
Unfortunately, my dad just has to forget that he has my health card in his wallet, so my mom goes around searching for the copies of my health card she made. And she could only find the older ones.
So we go to the clinic, and the receptionist wouldn't let me see the doctor till my dad came with the card. Then he checked my index finger and said I needed and X Ray, and he gave me a splint. The splint is just a piece of bendable metal with the sorta of foamy stuff (that's in bike helmets) on the inside, wrapped around with tape.
This morning my mom took me to the X Ray office, and she realizes that my dad still has my health card, she goes home and finds a current copy of my health card and uses that. Then the X Ray specialist asked me to take off my friendship bracelets, I relunctently(sp?) take them off, while she offers to cut them off for me (which I definitely wouldn't let her do!).
Then she takes the X Ray, and then I take them to the doctor I had yesterday. But there was an hour's wait at the office, so I'll have to go there tonight.
School was pretty normal, except for the fact I forgot it was crazy hair day :(.
Oh... and Axe deoderant smells really disgusting... yeech... I hate it.. Some of it rubbed off on me while Marcus and I (and Charlie) were practising a waltz (and deciding what waltz to do).
PS. Does anyone know any sites that have Canadian Folk Songs (especially French Canadian around 1700-1800) for Violin or Piano? Or any sites with info for how to do the waltz (and other 1700 dances), and Canadian Folk Dances? Thanks... I need them for my history presentation.