[ATTENTION, CITIZENS OF WONDERLAND:Having noticed that things have been far too serious in the mansion lately (what with talk of Mirror Revolutions and all) as well as a penchant for procrastinating on things they should probably be actually working on (like getting home, and finding out more about their futures), Messrs Prongs and Padfoot have
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Comments 56
[He raises the temperature of the juice to dry off somewhat. The prince is just looking for someone to take his anger out about being here on, and he's currently on a short fuse. Zuko seeks out the culprit, trying to find someone suspicious around. He is not very happy.]
It's none other than Sirius, who is grinning from ear to ear and doing the best he can (and failing miserably at it) to conceal his laughter. Zuko is free to notice and rage at him however he likes.]
It's not funny!
All of you are so immature!
No, I think it's extremely funny! I haven't had a laugh like that in a long time.
[Immature? Maybe. But Sirius is quite all right with that.]
The buckets are in place, each one filled with just the right amount of pumpkin juice, and are ready to catch unsuspecting individuals by surprise.
It may be a bad idea to be hanging around this area, but Sirius wants to see the results of all of his and James's hard work in person. He laughs again, unable to stay quiet for long.]
This is brilliant.
It's probably a bad idea to be there, but James can't help hanging around. No one here knows about their reputations as the greatest pranksters Hogwarts has ever seen, after all! His ego can't take it. It's like being a first year all over again.]
It really is. Best idea we've had here so far, really!
[And the only prank they've pulled here so far, but eh. Minor details. He's still laughing over it anyway.]
So he's just doing his lurking as a normal teenage boy when James catches up with him.]
They don't look very happy, do they?
[Sirius peers around the corner at some poor unfortunate souls who just got drenched with pumpkin juice.]
Maybe we should feel terrible about this.
[Sirius pretends to look contrite. He manages to keep that expression for all of three seconds before bursting out laughing.]
No, they don't really look happy at all. Actually, they look pretty outraged! It's like no one's ever drenched them with pumpkin juice before!
[He gives an almost convincing solemn nod at Sirius' words though, as if maybe they should feel bad. But he lasts the same three seconds, and then they're both laughing hysterically. James claps his hand on Sirius' shoulder. As if they would ever feel bad about something this low-scale and harmless.]
It looks like we've definitely got a lot of fun targets here, don't we? I think it'll do until we get back to Hogwarts.
[Look at these people getting so angry over it all! It's priceless! James is just grinning from ear to ear.]
Do you know how much of a hassle it is to wash long hair full of pumpkin juice? DO YOU KNOW?
I bet you don't. But once he finds you there will be much yelling or something. Idk. Go buy him shampoo ]
The hell...!
Anyway, there's a clear snicker coming from nearby. Pranks are really funniest when the victim is really angry, you see.]
Also, if that is so, Alto would be a very nice victim. Because he gets easily angry. And once he hears that snicker, he'll totally look for its source. AND CHASE YOU DOWN WITH FACE OF AN OGRE... Which is really a waste of a pretty face ]
Who is it?!!
Who's asking? You should introduce yourself!
[He's shouting from his hiding spot, which isn't too far off, really. He's just hanging out behind some decoration in the main foyer.]
Still, he will be chasing someone down. And when he catches them...Oh boy. There will be soccer balls flying ]
James should probably feel worse about pranking someone who probably isn't even old enough to go to Hogwarts to learn how to retaliate in magical prank wars, but he really doesn't. Besides, it's not like it hurt him or anything.
He's over just around the corner by the way, with a hand covering his mouth to keep from laughing too hard. He's ready to bolt though, if he needs to.]
Something is amiss.
John stops just before his door, staring at it. He can't say for certain what it is, but something tells him his Prankster's Gambit is in danger. So rather than risk a humiliating pranking, he blasts the door open with his windy thing and watches as a bucket drops to the floor.
Wow, the trolls are not going to like this! He better clean it up!
But first, he needs to know who he's going to have to prank back. 8|]
Hey, who did this? Hello?
Did you put the bucket on my door?
[Feel free to see right through him. He's not exactly straining himself in order to appear innocent.]
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