[ATTENTION, CITIZENS OF WONDERLAND:Having noticed that things have been far too serious in the mansion lately (what with talk of Mirror Revolutions and all) as well as a penchant for procrastinating on things they should probably be actually working on (like getting home, and finding out more about their futures), Messrs Prongs and Padfoot have
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Still, he will be chasing someone down. And when he catches them...Oh boy. There will be soccer balls flying ]
James should probably feel worse about pranking someone who probably isn't even old enough to go to Hogwarts to learn how to retaliate in magical prank wars, but he really doesn't. Besides, it's not like it hurt him or anything.
He's over just around the corner by the way, with a hand covering his mouth to keep from laughing too hard. He's ready to bolt though, if he needs to.]
He pulls out his wand, swirls the air above him with some fancy latin-ish words until a little gray raincloud has formed. It's cute and tiny and child-sized, so it can't possibly have more than a few minutes worth of rain in it, but he sends it around the corner and over Conan's way, so it can go wash all the pumpkin juice off. You know, unless he outruns it or something. It's not exactly a fast-moving cloud and it'll disappear in a few minutes or so on its own anyway.
See? He's helping. Sort of.]
Thus, thanks to James kindness Conan gets rained upon.
Gee thanks, that just drenched my notebook more. ]
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