(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 00:04

Ok. If god really gives a damn we will in the end take ohio. But on the assumption that obviously he doesnt.. Hopefully It is somewhat coherantly devided into sections.
How the fuck did everyone read this so wrong? Zogby predicting a 311 kerry victory, and all of us going along. The rethugs finally got themselves a ground game, and apparantly its quite a good one. Where the Hell were our 527s? Where were our massive registration numbers?

Part of me, the bad vindictive part, hopes that Iraq just blows up in his fucking face. I dont want anyone on either side to die, but to watch it blow up in his face would be so satisfying. Im not really quite sure what I feel at the moment. kind of dull. it either hasnt hit or Im better at controling myself then predicted.  Tommorow=fuctioning=Not fucking happening

I can accept you as people. I came to love some of you in DC. but you will never be able to convince me that your views on many things are in any way valid. I will fight however I can with whatever I have to bring down some of the idiotic, homophobic, regressive, evangalist, holier-than-thou, hypocritical, crap you believe in.  Congratulations. I have moved from commitment to the party to being a fucking crusader.  An interesting segment on NPR about how we should all come together and be happy helpful friendly folk. Not bloody happening. I have to admit you guys play a very good political game... I also have to admit that as far as morals go you have none whatsoever... but I suppose in politics you win whatever way you can.  Very well.  See.. we need to start playing by your rules. Screw the facts, screw the people, just get your candidate elected.

My anger for you is something I have never felt before.. one of the strongest emotions Ive ever felt. Not the strongest, dont worry, but its up there.

This party is on life support, and needs to be salvaged, because at its height it can stand for everything good about america. That was what the 527s were supposed to do.. where were they. We need to find ourselves a rove. We need someone who can get us our foothold. We need Obama. We need something. Where the fuck do we find it? We have some good people.. some bad but also some good.. what keeps going wrong. And now my cautious note. Ohio could go for us.. its a longshot but its a possibility. And if it does, that will make my life. so thats a slim possibility. but I had to add that caveat, and couldnt wait to post this untill we knew because I would have exploded.
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