so its the 25th almost midnight, and my birthday is on the 27th, and i have not a single clue of what im doing for my 16th birthday, let alone what im getting since i havent even been able to tell my parents what i want...o well
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and apperenlty im going on a week long maybe 2 week long trip up the west it will just be me, april and my dad, and 5 of those day my gradma, and another few.karen, and her 2 little boys one of which who has a crush on gonna hate this..
well today is probably gona blow..its 12..and its summer..and im sitting here with absolutly nothinat all to do, i HAVE TO go vsit my great grandma ..and sit there.. and do jack shit, were leaving around 2 i think..and then should be back at six or so. hopefully i'll be able to do something then
God this place is boring! I've been sitting here since 6:30 in the morning, and i have found absolutly nothing to do. Please some one save me from this boring place!
apperantly some distant cousins are coming over for some geniology stuff the my dads granma my great grandma's cousins from kansas are comin over here..i talked to one on the phone earlier today..there really nice
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