005 // [multiple filters, default security]

Jan 20, 2010 21:35

[To Maes Hughes, voice, backdated to the day after the slime attacks]

Pardon me, sir, I don't know where your ship is or how busy you are, but... [this sounds like she was thinking something else entirely] how are you doing?

I'm sure she had good reasons, and I hope she's well, wherever she's gone.

And where has he gone? I felt him turning into a Hollow, and I heard him when I was outside the ship, but then he died down and I was so concerned with my own ship's troubles I couldn't look for him and now no one seems to know where he is, or even if he's still Ichigo. This is worse than when he left before, because he wasn't content when we were younger and he needed to go, but now he's pretty safe and happy and had just taken on the world and won and now he's either disappeared alone and without any help, or he might be some monster. For him to have worried so much about Mr. Hughes and those children and having been so angry when he lost them and made Mr. Hughes swear to never leave, and then be the one forced to leave himself [The post is left unfinished here and autoposts after the machine times out.]

[Fiertia, voice, current]

I'll have a little more spare time now that so much of the crew is gone to get the captain! Would anyone who's stayed here like to have some dinner with me? I'll admit my taste isn't everyone's, so we might want to cook together if you have anything particular in mind. The kitchens are so near empty that we have the scope to make anything we might want to make!
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