Title: Sinking Like A Stone In the Sea
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn
Spoilers: Through "Laryngitis"
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,577
Description: Rachel, Quinn, hate and alcohol-infused sex.
Warnings: Dubcon
Author's Note: This is quite different from other things that I've written. I'm not sure where this came from, but it's here.
When I look at you, all I want to do is to tear you apart. )
Comments 50
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Honestly, I hadn't thought about writing a continuation when I wrote this. I left it open-ended because of how manipulative and hateful Quinn was for most of the story, people may not agree that this situation is fixable!
I'd have to really think about how to fix this. I don't have a plan! :p
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Thank you so much for reading.
Awesome like always, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading!
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