Jun 16, 2010 13:19
The sun is harmless.
[ooc; Have a vampire hanging out topside, near the edge of the deck, legs over the side and arms folded on the railing. He's not basking, but it's as close an equivalent as you can get at 2000 years while retaining your dignity. Go say hello? He doesn't bite. Much.]
i am full of joy,
not a kentucky fried vamp,
not sunbathing,
*master oogway,
none above him in the new world,
curiosity killed the vampire,
egads! a non-political post!,
he has a sense of humour somewhere,
i will rise up,
god's forgiveness is irony incarnate
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My mother says differently.
Does she?
Yes. She says that it burns your skin and makes you older faster. I always liked to get a bit of sunlight, even though I think she might be a bit right about the burning bit.
[Leans on the railing next to him]
[And fatal to vampires. But he doesn't mention that bit.]
You're well, Alice?
[She rests her chin on her hand, and nods. There's someone she knows here, now - that makes things better.]
Quite. It's much better now that the rains gone. It's an awful feeling, having it slosh around in your boots and getting one's knickers wet.
[He glances at her, askance. Knickers. Really.]
I enjoy the rain.
[...Yes, Godric. Knickers. She's totally tried them on since being here.]
Oh, I do as well, but indoors? How odd! Though I can't complain, really - everything about this place is a bit off and odd.
[He doesn't mind telling her. A, because the same affect doesn't extend here, and B, because he likes her enough to think well of her ability to keep what he tells her between them.]
You've familiarity enough with odd things.
[Pause. Frown.]
And you came out here to test it?
[You're crazier than she is.]
I like to think I fit right in with the rest of this place.
I was in no danger, Alice.
[No, really. He hovered by the door and put his hand into the sunlight, and quite simply did not burn.]
You do.
I admit, I rather miss my home, sometimes.
You're from Britain, yes? In the 1870's?
[It's a guess, but a fairly educated one.]
You're quite close.
1865, if you want to be precise.
[Though he was in America for it.]
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