i'm done- throwing in the towel.

May 14, 2004 09:59

My grampa died yesterday.

not to be confused with my papa, who died 10 days ago.

I was hysterical when my dad called to tell me. I haven’t done much since then. its like I’m empty.

I’ll post the information for the services tomorrow, I know I few people have asked. The wake will be Sunday- Funeral Monday. As to location, i have to double check

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Comments 4

... localloser May 14 2004, 09:01:45 UTC
We're all thinking of you down here Kelly. You've had such a rough year, and hopefully things are going to get better. Im really sorry to hear what happened...Good luck with all this mess Kelly, and remember that your UMDers are always here for you.


scarletdulcinea May 14 2004, 15:46:48 UTC
I'm not sure what I can say, but I know what I can do........ I'm sending you what good will and love I have, and keeping you and your's in my thoughts.


punkychick May 14 2004, 17:20:56 UTC
I'm so sorry sweetheart. I'm praying for you and your family.


auroralennon87 May 16 2004, 20:57:55 UTC
kelly i love you... i thought the wake was monday i am so so so sorry i wasnt there. we missed you saturday and your always, always in my thoughts and prayers. i hope to see you soon and that you and your family have better days ahead, because god knows you deserve it.



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