For voters in EU countries - the June 4th elections.

May 16, 2009 21:42

Edit: Many of the claims from this website have been heavily questioned - see the comments.

The Lisbon Treaty further militarises the EU

The Lisbon Treaty certainly gives plenty of scope for conflict. Put bluntly, it develops an armed wing for the EU, complete with its own military-industrial complex, which will fight resource wars in the interests of the biggest European military powers, namely Britain, France and Germany.

Stand up for workers’ rights

The recent protests at Lindsey [oil refinery], supported by workers across Britain, were not against foreign workers or xenophobic. These workers were simply defending the fundamental right to work under union agreements - a right not given by EU directives or treaties.

The so-called ‘free movement’ of labour is part of the development of a deeply racist Fortress Europe which would increasingly exclude people from outside the EU and undermine wages and working conditions inside the bloc.

To ferry workers across Europe to carry out jobs that local workers can be trained to perform is an environmental, economic and social nonsense. If ‘food-miles’ represent an unacceptably large carbon footprint, then ‘labour-miles’ and shunting human beings around Europe in the pursuit of profit is even more damaging.

Keep your public services public

The renamed EU constituion forces governments to hand public services over to private corporations - that means handing fat cats control of railways, schools, postal services, energy and even social services across Europe.

The economic crisis and the EU

EU member states in eastern and central Europe are in dire economic circumstances. Latvia now has an IMF loan of £1.7 billion. Ireland, Greece, Portugal and other member states have economic problems and in all these eurozone countries there is growing unemployment and related social problems.

To revitalise the economy, Britain must return to creating wealth based especially in manufacturing, hi-tech and trade across the world.

An end must be made to the dependence on service industries especially the financial sector. To return to an economy based on manufacturing requires massive investment and where appropriate protection of home industries. It is the only way to ensure jobs and a decent safe future for the peoples of Britain.

Click here for a video which explains the other problems with the proposed constitution.
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