THOSE GODDAMN FUCKING COCKSUCKING DOUCHEBAG ASSHOLES AT THE SCIENCE CENTER ARE COMPLETELY FUCKING ME IN MY TIGHT LITTLE ASS. Due to my availability I am only available for two days a week, which I have so far worked in 8 hour shifts. It's only minimum wage, but it's about $400 a month we desperately need. I would have tried to find a different job, but nobody wants to hire somebody for only 2 days a week. The Science Center would take me back. So now, guess what, the Star Trek exhibit isn't doing so hot! So they are cutting shifts! Instead of having two people working 8 hour shifts in the gift shop every day, they have one person working 8 and one working 4. Makes sense, except I'm the one scheduled for all the goddamn fucking 4 hour days! Two days a week! That is 8 hours a week! That is $200 less EVERY FUCKING MONTH in our bank account. That is a little over our groceries for the month. Now to maintain our income level we will have to go without food. WE ARE ALREADY SPENDING MORE THAN WE MAKE ON BILLS AND RENT, because, guess what, babies are fucking expensive, especially since they keep parents from working as much as they used to! We FUCKING NEED that $200.
Oh, but wait, there are a few days I'm working 8 hours: ON DAYS AND TIMES I'M NOT AVAILABLE. I can work Mondays and Thursdays 9-5, and absolutely nothing else, because, guess what, I have a baby who is with a babysitter, and also a night job. So they go ahead and schedule me one Thursday from noon to 8 and then a Friday for the same times. And the week I'm scheduled for the Friday (which I can't work)... I'M NOT SCHEDULED FOR THE MONDAY WHEN I CAN WORK. This is utterly fucking typical of the Science Center to not pay attention to their employee needs and generally not give a fuck.
I e-mailed Ryan, and he is a really good guy, so hopefully we can get this worked out. Because, if not, me and my family are seriously fucked. We cannot afford to lose $200 a month. We can't. We can't.
Fuck them. I don't know why I'm surprised.
Don't go to the Science Center.
Don't give them your money.
They are awful and dispicable, and it's not just because of this. They have a habit of fucking over their employees, and I have stories, o do I have stories....... it ranges into the illegal as far as wage laws, people.
Fuck this.