...Saving the world before bedtime...

Aug 31, 2008 13:20

First off, would you like to be stamped as a hero, a villain, or both? Both, plz.

♥ Basic Information ♥
Name: Blue.
Age: High school age.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini. Or Taurus, depending on which version of the zodiac you're going by.
Gender: Female.
Where do you live? US.
Pick four words to describe yourself: Clever, headstrong, sharp-tempered, charming.

♥ All About You! ♥

Strengths: I’m intelligent, witty, and a gifted actress on and offstage, with many sides to my personality that I show as I see fit and a way with words. I can be sneaky and a good liar, I have a sense of humor, and I seem to magnetize fellow so-to-speak outsiders - people I have things in common with seem sort of drawn to me, and I’m told I can be strangely charismatic. I used to be pretty shy, but I really think I’m becoming more confident. I like expressing myself. I in fact take friendship and loyalty very seriously. I don’t use even the words lightly and I value it more than I ever thought I would. I used to always think of myself as completely independent, but I now realize that there is in fact safety in numbers and it’s always wonderful to have like-minded, same-interests, reliable people around. I have strong integrity to what I believe. And despite that I'm not traditionally feminine, I can charm the opposite gender. /cutting these short
Weaknesses: Probably pretty obvious vanity and selfishness, paranoia, a bad temper. I’m liable to kick the wall as soon as I’m alone after being angered, and I’ve tackled and whacked girls upside the head for relentlessly bothering my friends. My joking can either be inappropriate (some joke popped into my head after Juliet killed herself, and I was stared at like a creep for laughing out loud XD) or too hard for others to get, jealousy, tendencies to hold grudges, cockiness, and the fact that it shows instantly if I’m riled up. I do NOT trust easily and so not everyone trusts me, and if they do but I dislike them, I’m not afraid to be manipulative. I can be spiteful and truthfully I like messing with people sometimes. And I’m really stubborn, so firm on my beliefs that if I’m disagreed with even if I’m supposed to be working with someone will completely break off and try to act on my own. I can be either way too subtle or way too blunt, and I tend to be cynical and sarcastic. And I tend to drop all formality if I get too comfortable. i.e. "Oh, I dig that! X3" "Ya" instead of "you," "en't," even to the point of saying "lulz" out loud. And I swear just a little sometimes around friends.
Pet Peeves: Mindless noise, chauvanists, excessive feminists, interruption, when people can’t take hints, people who can’t sing yet insist on singing as loudly as they can, unpleasant noises and smells, accusation, anything that can be considered work, little kids, stereotyping, unreasonable judgement, physical contact, otherwise having my bubble invaded, heat, too much sun.
Do you have any special talents? Acting, singing, and dancing. I'm trying to learn how to play bass as well.

Music: All types of rock. Particular favorites are Garbage (probably my overall favorite), Radiohead, My Chemical Romance, AFI, Billy Talent, Pink Floyd, the Killers, Muse, Maroon 5, Mindless Self Indulgence... In many areas, my tastes can get pretty random. -_-
Movies: West Side Story, Mirrormask, Romeo + Juliet, Princess Bride (c’mon, who doesn’t like that one?), Grease… I have alarmingly girly taste in movies. XD
Color: Purple, blue, green, and monochrome, mostly, though I like certain shades of most colors.
Place: Kind of a strange question. It depends on what sort of mood I'm in, I guess.
Food: CHOCOLAAAAAAATE. And fish. And anything sweet is good.
Anything else?: ...I love denim jackets. Soooo much. Regardless of weather. Therefore I've been nearly dying lately. Also gloves, boots, and scarves if it doesn’t mean burning to death.

The proverbial "if you found someone's wallet on the ground, and no one is around" question. What would you do with it?: ...Probably search it if nobody's looking. X_X If anyone was looking, however, I'd probably find someone to turn it in to. No use making a jerk of myself in that manner in public. XD
One of your friends is extremely depressed. What do you do? Not pry into it and drop hints to see if they'll tell me anything, since I hate when people try to pry into my feelings myself. If they really don't want to tell me, it'd probably only bother them. Unless I'm really worried, in which case I'll straight-up ask.
Who are you labeled as among your peers?: Something along the lines of punk. Or goth, but most of the kids I'm around can't tell the difference between such labels, which strikes me as silly. I probably seem like a stereotype who can't be taken seriously with what I'm saying in this app. X_X
Are you a leader or a follower?: Nyeh. I'm rather detached from heirarchy. I'll follow if I'm feeling too lazy or not wanting the pressure to take leadership and lead if I'm having some sort of big, "All right, baby, we'll do this my way!" moment. If I'm surrounded by people I dislike or mistrust, I'm satisfied to be on my own. I hate feeling dominated, though, which I suppose is part of why I hate chores. Not only do I feel like they’ve got nothing to do with me, but it’s a “Do it or receive an embarrassing lecture” sort of thing. I feel like I’m only told to work by “authority” figures because they want to demonstrate power over me. But of course this is probably just my paranoid and overly-rebellious mindset talking.
Do you view the hypothetical glass of water as half-empty or half-full?: Half. X3
What are some of your fears?: Heights. O_O And losing all my friends, going deaf, losing use of an arm, and cancer.
What do you do when faced with any crisis? Depending on the specifics, either run and hide or tackle it headlong, either literally or figuratively.
How far will you go to obtain something? If I want it enough, I'll probably do anything that doesn't involve killing. XD
What did you (or do you) want to do when you grew up?: I wanna be a rock star... Or an actress. Most of my family expects me to become a prosecuting attorney.
What sort of things make you happy?: Loud music, theater, relaxation, comfort food, being around people I like, trust, and have things in common with, accomplishment, getting my feelings out, honest compliments, finding ways I can actually go out and enjoy myself, getting away with things, making people I like happy, being trusted, being able to be totally honest with someone, making up my mind, sticking up for myself, my beliefs, and others.
...and what makes you feel depressed?: Not being taken seriously, being ignored, being told my ambitions are unreasonable, anyone in my family at any given moment, when my close friends are being harassed, when my close friends aren't even around leaving me with nothing to do, the knowledge that no matter how depressed I am I refuse to share my feelings, when people press me too hard to share those feelings, failure, punishment, boredom, being forced to do anything I don't want to, being bossed around, feeling weak, betrayal of friends whether it’s happening to/around me or is in something fictional, being told I’m no masculine/androgynous or otherwise not enough of a spineless girlygirl.

OPTIONAL: Post a picture of yourself! This doesn't necessarily have to be a photo, but it can be an artistic representation, or even a candy bar doll.
I'll describe my looks at least... Plain, somewhat slanted brown eyes (nearsighted, I wear glasses, transition-lensed), shoulder-length brown hair, ungainly protruding canine teeth, a creepy smile, unfemininely broad shoulders, about five and a half feet tall.
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