...Saving The World Before Bedtime ♥

Dec 05, 2009 14:41

First off, would you like to be stamped as a hero, a villain, or both? HERO please =]

♥ Basic Information ♥
Name: Emily
Age: 16
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Gender: Female
Where do you live? UK
Pick four words to describe yourself: Friendly, Funny, Shy, Determined

♥ All About You! ♥

Strengths: Well i am super friendly, but im really shy so it is hard for me to make friends. But im nice to everyone unless they are mean to me ^_^
Weaknesses: Shyness! Wow i cant seem to break free from my shyness, its horrible!!! It affects my lovelife and making new friends. But i suppose it is improving slightly right now. Also i get really jealous easily.
Pet Peeves: The sound of people eating, bullies, annoying people
Do you have any special talents? I can do baton twirling? :S

Music: Rock
Movies: Harry Potter, New Moon
Color: Blue, Green, Yellow
Place: My bedroom
Food: Pizza
Anything else?: Nope =]

The proverbial "if you found someone's wallet on the ground, and no one is around" question. What would you do with it?: I would keep it. I know thats mean but if im being totally honest, thats what i would do.
One of your friends is extremely depressed. What do you do? Be a good friend and try to cheer them up by taking their mind off it and doing something fun
Who are you labeled as among your peers?: Boring. Just because im shy i get labelled as boring :(
Are you a leader or a follower?: Follower
Do you view the hypothetical glass of water as half-empty or half-full?: What?
What are some of your fears?: Falling, Dying, Friends/Family dying, Spiders, Heights etc
What do you do when faced with any crisis? Run away lol
How far will you go to obtain something? I would go as far as it takes to get it.
What did you (or do you) want to do when you grew up?: I want to be a school teacher
What sort of things make you happy?: Harry Potter, Food, Friends, Mum, Twitter, Sleeping
...and what makes you feel depressed?: School work, Being left out from the crowd, When there is no food in the house lol

OPTIONAL: Post a picture of yourself! This doesn't necessarily have to be a photo, but it can be an artistic representation, or even a candy bar doll. (If you choose not to do this, delete this line. Otherwise, delete all of the words in these parentheses if you are adding a photo to your application.)

Thanks for votin!! =]
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