...saving the world before bedtime.

Aug 10, 2007 00:39

First off, would you like to be stamped as a hero, a villain, or both? A Hero.

♥ Basic Information ♥
Name: Jasmine M.
Age: 24
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius, Water Dog
Gender: XX
Where do you live? New Jersey
Pick four words to describe yourself: Moody, lonely, sweet, brainy.

♥ All About You! ♥

Strengths: I'm artistic, clever and funny.
Weaknesses: I have a temper, I can be lazy and I'm messy.
Pet Peeves: People in general, sweaters, the cold, extreme heat. I'm also a master of staircase wit. Drives me crazy.
Do you have any special talents? I have sassy art skills, I'm good at writing, and that's all I can think of.

Music: I listen to a lot of early 90's grunge rock, but I like a little bit of everything.
Movies: Reservoir Dogs, Akira, The End of Eva, stuff by Miyazaki, Clerks, Chasing Amy.
Color: Black, purple, shades of blue.
Place: Big cities.
Food: Sushi.
Anything else?: Not that I can think of.

The proverbial "if you found someone's wallet on the ground, and no one is around" question. What would you do with it?: I'd give it to the police, so they can track down the owner by the ID cards in it. I once lost my wallet at a sci-fi con, and someone turned it in to lost and found with everything, even the cash, still in it. So it's just the proper thing for me to do, y'know?
One of your friends is extremely depressed. What do you do? try to be there for them and get them the help they need.
Who are you labeled as among your peers?: The quiet, crazy one.
Are you a leader or a follower?: Leader.
Do you view the hypothetical glass of water as half-empty or half-full?: Half-empty.
What are some of your fears?: That one religion will end up being right and some group of people will get a free ride for their bad behavior; thieves; large bugs.
What do you do when faced with any crisis? Get angry.
How far will you go to obtain something? It depends on what it is. For some things, I go as far as I need to, for other things, only a little way.
What did you (or do you) want to do when you grew up?: I still want to work in indie comic books. I'm not sure if I'll ever make it now.
What sort of things make you happy?: My cat, video games, the internet.
...and what makes you feel depressed?: The state of the world, my life.

OPTIONAL: Post a picture of yourself! This doesn't necessarily have to be a photo, but it can be an artistic representation, or even a candy bar doll.

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