Guess who got online today? RENEE. The fat COW.
chesterfryedchkn: okay
chesterfryedchkn: can I ask you something
i crush rapunzel: kay
i crush rapunzel: that's easier to read.
chesterfryedchkn: why did you lie to me?
i crush rapunzel: sure. go ahead.
i crush rapunzel: ?
chesterfryedchkn: Why did you lie to me....about having a baby?
i crush rapunzel: um?
chesterfryedchkn: here...let me tell you why I think you lied.
i crush rapunzel: okay
chesterfryedchkn: 1. You told me that you got pregnant in October, had your baby in March. Therefore, your baby wouldn't have been so healthy. I know this, because my sister n law got pregnant in July...and had her baby last month.
2. You never took pictures throughout your pregnancy.
3. You never take pictures of your baby.
4. You ALWAYS claim that your camera is broken whenever someone asks for a picture.
i crush rapunzel: I never took pictures throughout my pregnancy maybe because I was hardly online.
That's funny, last I checked, I was due in September, born in July, but was oddly, 7lbs 10ozs.
chesterfryedchkn: I didn't ask you to turn into a smart ass
chesterfryedchkn: I'm only asking for you to help me understand
chesterfryedchkn: I've been around babies all my life, Renee. I plan on going to school to be a labor and delivery obygn.
chesterfryedchkn: I've researched....I know alot about pregnancy
i crush rapunzel: My mom's a nurse.
chesterfryedchkn: I just don't understand how someone that I thought of as my little sister...would lie to me
i crush rapunzel: I doubt you thought of me like that.
chesterfryedchkn: oh bullshit. I thought of you like that for a long time
chesterfryedchkn: tell me something else.
i crush rapunzel: Didn't show it very well.
chesterfryedchkn: how can you claim to love Mark SO much...yet, you slept around behind his back?
chesterfryedchkn: you even gave some guy a blow job while you were PREGNANT
i crush rapunzel: I'm not with Mark anymore.
I wasn't with Mark when that happened, either.
chesterfryedchkn: how do I know when you're with Mark or not? You're with him every month for 2 weeks at a time
i crush rapunzel: Well we haven't been together in a long time, and frankly, I really don't care to be with him, father of my child or not.
chesterfryedchkn: I really think that someone needs to send your parents printed out PROOF of what you're up to online
i crush rapunzel: I'm also pretty sure they log the computers:-)
chesterfryedchkn: Why won't you just admit it, Renee?
i crush rapunzel: Not admitting to anything I don't have to admit to.
chesterfryedchkn: If you really had a baby...what was the results of the apgar test that the hospital administered the second she was born?
i crush rapunzel: 8, 10.
chesterfryedchkn: 8, 10?
i crush rapunzel: yeah, you know they test twice.
i crush rapunzel: 8 the first time they tested, 10 the second.
i crush rapunzel: ya know what, i have finals to study before, before i fail a course for the SECOND time.
chesterfryedchkn: yeah. You've done your research....gotta give you props...but, I still don't think you had a baby
i crush rapunzel: i'm not gonna sit here and argue with someone who didn't give a shit.
chesterfryedchkn: not only that...but taking a 2 day old baby to SCHOOL....and then a movie
i crush rapunzel: kinda didn't have much of a choice there.
chesterfryedchkn: excuse me? Someone who didn't give a sit?
chesterfryedchkn: *shit
i crush rapunzel: we both know you didn't, becca.
chesterfryedchkn: Oh yeah? How did I NOT care?
i crush rapunzel: that's why you ran off to be megan's friend again, and then as soon as you and her became oh so great friends again you forgot about me right?
i crush rapunzel: oh yeah, Renee doesn't have feelings.
i crush rapunzel: you're right. i'm starting not to because they've been hurt so fucking much.
i crush rapunzel: i've dropped the bullshit. now how about all of you drop it? you're the one who sat there i don't know how many times and told me to drop the arguing, yet you're the one sitting there now STARTING it.
chesterfryedchkn: I'm not starting anything
chesterfryedchkn: I wanna know why the fuck you feel the need to LIE in order to get friends
i crush rapunzel: i know it's not what you wanted. but you're starting crap. and i don't need it right now. i have wounds to take care of, finals to study for. things to do.
chesterfryedchkn: wounds to take care of?
i crush rapunzel: yeah. in my mouth. i had two wisdom teeth pulled on saturday.
chesterfryedchkn: thought you dropped out of school?
chesterfryedchkn: damn..there's another lie that you just got nailed for.
i crush rapunzel: people go back.
i crush rapunzel: lmao right. I WENT BACK. you hear of that? something you should have done.
i crush rapunzel: maybe you should consider it.
i crush rapunzel: i was out for a WEEK and went back because it wasn't worth it.
chesterfryedchkn: No see...I dropped out to take care of my MOTHER...ya know...the mother that actually loved me...
chesterfryedchkn: but that's wouldn't know about a mother's love, now would you?
i crush rapunzel: apparently i would, 'cause she seems to be taking care of me now.
i crush rapunzel: and helping me out now.
i crush rapunzel: doesn't she? oh right, but you wouldn't know that since you hate me.
i crush rapunzel: like you always have.
chesterfryedchkn: well, she must not of cared very much before...seeing as how she let her little 14 year old whore go out and get KNOCKED UP
chesterfryedchkn: I've always hated you? Excuse me?
i crush rapunzel: I know you have.
i crush rapunzel: Just like everyone else.
chesterfryedchkn: wait...there I go again...ASSUMING that you actually had a child.
i crush rapunzel: go and pretend to be my friend and once i make a mistake doing something i shouldn't have done, i'm automatically wrong.
chesterfryedchkn: you didn't make any mistake with me that I judged you for, Renee.
i crush rapunzel: bullshit.
chesterfryedchkn: It's called READING your journal and knowing facts myself.
chesterfryedchkn: You're the one that can't keep your lies straight.
i crush rapunzel: right. i'm not gonna sit here and argue. go act like megan and michelle some more.
i crush rapunzel: 'cause you can't get your own personality you have to follow them.
chesterfryedchkn: It's pretty sad that some HUGELY fat little 14 year old...can't get enough love from your parents that you have to go and steal peoples pictures and PRETEND to have a baby
i crush rapunzel: ouch. funny 'cause i'm not as big as i used to be.
chesterfryedchkn: I don't have a personality? I DON'T NEED TO LIE TO PEOPLE, RENEE.
i crush rapunzel: yeah all you need to do is follow others and you're in. sorry, it's not gonna work that way you're entire life.
chesterfryedchkn: yeah, who the fuck am I following?
i crush rapunzel: too bad i haven't. too bad you're jealous. sitting there dating what.. PEDOPHILES? fucking disgusting, becca.
chesterfryedchkn: Yeah, I'm added to Megan's friends list. Yeah, we comment to each others journal every once in awhile. I don't have my head up her ass, and she doesn't have hers up mine.
i crush rapunzel: "i want to have a baby." - becca
i crush rapunzel: oh i'm pretty sure you do.
chesterfryedchkn: pedophiles? Who the fuck is a pedophile?
i crush rapunzel: your ex, whatever his name was.
i crush rapunzel: 38?
i crush rapunzel: and you were what? 17?
i crush rapunzel: a little much don't you think?
chesterfryedchkn: You're so fucking stupid, Renee.
i crush rapunzel: riight
i crush rapunzel: stupid yet i'm still in school. stupid yet i've got an almost 90% average.
chesterfryedchkn: Seriously, he was 34 at the time...and was accused of RAPE on a 37 year old WOMAN.
i crush rapunzel: pedophile and a rapist. pathetic.
chesterfryedchkn: sorry...but, do you actually know what a pedophile is? A pedophile is a person who has raped a CHILD, not an adult.
i crush rapunzel: yes i know what a fucking pedophile is.
i crush rapunzel: my name is Renee, not Becca. thanks, though.
i crush rapunzel signed off at 5:44:04 PM.
I can't believe that fat little tub of lard...even has the NERVE to come to me and say a DAMN thing about me dropping out of school, or who I've dated.
Renee, I know you're fat ass is reading this. You're probably hoping that someone on my friends list will post a pic in my comments in order for you to steal it. So guess what...time for me to fill you in a couple things.
You can sit and talk all the shit you want about me dropping out of school. I did it for my mother. My mother lived her life taking care of EVERYONE. So...maybe I thought that taking care of her while she was wasting away with cancer. OOPS. Sorry, that's called being a GOOD daughter. Atleast I'm not like you...I didn't go out when I was 14 and get knocked up by some 30 year old.
Yeah, I dated a 34 year old ONLINE. I didn't actually go meet him and fuck him, or get pregnant by him.
Are you also forgetting that MARK is a statutory rapist? Yeah, he raped some chick and got her pregnant. That makes him SO much better that my ex, huh? Seeing as how my ex was freed on his charges...but Mark ADMITS to his crime.
That's the difference between you and me. I may have some self esteem issues, but I don't need to go out and fuck everything in sight in order to feel better about myself. You fucked Mark and like...5 other guys..pretty much at the same time. Kinda hard to believe though...they probably had to fold your fat rolls over your head in order to fucking find a hole to put their dicks in. Most of them were probably fucking you in the belly button...cause it was the only hole they could find.
THEN, you had a "baby" who was like...4 months premature...and she was perfectly healthy. Jesus, she should be in the record books. "love" your baby so much that you fucking let her move to North Carolina with a man that "threatened" to kill YOU and her. You're fucking sick.
Let me give you some advice, dear "friend":
1. Get off the internet.
2. Stop stealing people's pictures.
3. Get over wasted__beauty and her boyfriend.
4. Stop obsessing over people on lj. It's not their fault that you'll never be as skinny, or as loved as they are.
6. Stop fucking lying to people.
7. Stop sleeping around, you fucking slut.
I feel better now. :-D
I must say THANK YOU, Renee. Everytime I look at your self esteem goes through the roof. Especially, since your eyebrows look like COUSIN IT crawled ontop of your forehead and DIED. By the way..clean the cookie crumbs out of your crevices. I can smell you all the way over here.