Masterpost: Everybody was well dressed (everybody was a mess).

Sep 08, 2012 23:52

Title: Everybody was well dressed (everybody was a mess).
Author: pr_scatterbrain/Professional Scatterbrain.
Pairing: Spencer/Ryan (Z/Ryan, Spencer/Clémence Poésy, Ellen Page/Brendon, past!Charlotte Froom/Brendon, unrequited!Kirsten Dunst/Alex Greenwald).
Rating: R
Warnings: Drug use, a DUI offence
Summary: Originally when Ryan first signed on to the new Gus Van Sant film they were shooting on location in New York City. Due to a combinations of filming restrictions and funding issues they’re now shooting the bulk of the production in a small town an hour outside Portland. Z isn’t exactly happy, but she isn’t too put out. Secretly, Ryan thinks she likes being the big fish in the small town. Jesse Eisenberg definitely does not.

“How would you know?” Spencer asks, on one of the rare occasions when he manages to answer his phone. “It’s not like he talks to you.”

A sequel to That's not just friendship that's romance too ( LJ AO3), set at the same time as What's a day when the years are on their way ( LJ AO3) where Jessie Eisenberg likes Gus Van Sant more than Ryan, Spencer hardly ever answers his phone, and Ryan grows up.

N.B. This would not have been possible without the help and support of ruintooeasy, verbyna, and estei. Saire generously gave her time to help me with this thing. She was there right from the very first part of this au and Laura and Megan were the reason I started this 'verse in the first place (I hope you enjoy these two new installments). Thank you all for patiently letting me ramble and bounce ideas off you. I owe you one.

I would also like to thank truthismusic who made a really thoughtful mix to accompany this. Thank you so much for making such a wonderful mix. It really enhances the story.

Finally I have to thank the mods at bandombigbang for running the challenge. *hugs and hearts*

LJ: part one, part two.

Bonus Kirsten Dunst/Alex Greenwald coda:

Bonus material.
Fanmix: Rumors of L.A by truthismusic.


the young veins, panic at the disco, spencer/ryan, bigbang, actor au, Spencer/Clémence Poésy, ellen page/brendon, bandom, kirsten dunst/alex greenwald

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