Nov 15, 2006 21:19
Twin Peaks is the best TV series ever. Even if it is 16 years old.
Once again, David Lynch shows his genius.
Oct 29, 2006 04:30
Did you ever get that feeling where you know that the best thing you ever had in your life was never real?
Didn't think so.
Oct 24, 2006 01:36
My god. I've become an economics nerd, methinks. Either that, or just an amateur economist.
See, I just got excited over the release of new economic data. That, and the trip to the Fed next week. And ghasp!- I'm actually enjoying writing my indicator report!
Oct 22, 2006 04:05
The Elephant Man. Is. The. Best. Film. I. Have. Ever. Seen.
And I am completely honest when saying that. I can't think of a single film that matches it in any sense.
You should all see it.
Oct 20, 2006 20:00
Why does Maya remind me so much of Estella from Great Expectations?
Oct 03, 2006 20:56
So apparently Liza invited me to go kickboxing with her on Tuesdays.
I'm debating doing it. At least it'd release some stress. And give me some time to talk with Liza. Which I actually really need at the moment.
Gah, maybe I should go back to seeing my shrink.
Sep 28, 2006 20:40
Shit shit shit shit shit.
Or I could just say fuck.
See, there really is a pattern in my life. All the girls I like dont like me at all as more then just a friend.
Aaaanddd.... I really just fucked myself over with this latest event in the patern.
Sep 20, 2006 19:28
Ahhh... I love my hopeless romantic moments like these, even if I have nothing specific to apply them to...