powerful people saying no

Jul 23, 2008 12:09

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Comments 17

halo_24 July 23 2008, 10:13:33 UTC
ой, а это ты на фото?


pr_gagarina_167 July 23 2008, 10:20:34 UTC
да :-)


halo_24 July 23 2008, 10:29:28 UTC
ах вах ах, ах!)


Herbert молодец да)


spearminthead July 23 2008, 10:36:05 UTC
lovely! what's the record?


pr_gagarina_167 July 23 2008, 12:44:29 UTC
ehhh, it's really hard to tell now!


(The comment has been removed)

pr_gagarina_167 July 23 2008, 12:50:58 UTC
да, очень интересно. стиль и этикет писем тоже любопытно отличаются.

вот что говорит википедия на тему мистера/эсквайра:

The social rank of Esquire is that above gentleman. More specifically, though, a distinction was made between men of the upper and lower gentry, who were "esquires" and "gentlemen" respectively (between, for example, "Thomas Smith, Esq." and "William Jones, Gent."). A late example of this distinction is in the list of subscribers to The History of Elton, by the Rev. Rose Fuller Whistler, published in 1882, which clearly distinguishes between subscribers designated "Mr" (another way of indicating gentlemen) and those allowed "Esquire."

Thus, practically speaking, the term "esquire" may be appended to the name of any man not possessing a higher title (such as that of knighthood or peerage) or a clerical one. In practice, however, "esquire" in the US is most commonly used by lawyers in a professional capacity; it has come to be associated by many Americans solely with the legal profession.


pr_gagarina_167 July 23 2008, 12:55:58 UTC
тони блэр уже кстати ту-ту давно!


biloboka July 23 2008, 12:56:56 UTC
ну, им надо было бы в ответах куртуазно так извратиться, чтобы "да" прозвучало, как "нет" )
свет красивый на фото, и вообще -)


pr_gagarina_167 July 23 2008, 13:07:36 UTC
хаха, мне элен и ребята тоже понравились


biloboka July 23 2008, 13:15:31 UTC


pplastikk July 23 2008, 13:33:30 UTC


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