It's Rodion. I dunno what's up with him. He's all... tired and mopey and looks dead pale, not eating much. And I mean, while I used to make stuff that tasted like shit before Mr. T came back, I've got me talent back, so it can't be the taste...
Oh, I understand, no worries! It was horrible when I first came here. There was no bathhouse back then. Just the river >_O
Mmmm...let me ask around. One of the smaller clothing places might. At worst maybe I can see if there's a cleaner amongst the shops on the upper level, for you?
Oh, blimey that sounds nasty. I mean, I ain't one o' them fancy pants who can get washed once a week or what, but a river don't sound all that nice at all!
... that's dead kind o' you, love. But I'll check around down here first, thanks.
Comments 19
It's Rodion. I dunno what's up with him. He's all... tired and mopey and looks dead pale, not eating much. And I mean, while I used to make stuff that tasted like shit before Mr. T came back, I've got me talent back, so it can't be the taste...
... he just ain't well, I ain't a doctor.
Cor, me bones is weary...
Might take a while.
There are four bathhouses in the city, miss. On the Lower level. They've become quite handy, and shouldn't be too hard to find~
... Me dress is a bit dirty too. Any idea where I can get that done? It's got some... difficult stains on it, see.
Mmmm...let me ask around. One of the smaller clothing places might. At worst maybe I can see if there's a cleaner amongst the shops on the upper level, for you?
... that's dead kind o' you, love. But I'll check around down here first, thanks.
I want nothing from you thank you, Mrs. Lovett!
I ain't givin' you nothin', you silly man. Just shut up and sleep some more.
Mm! Damn it all, none of your -
None of your valuable durectives...
[Thunk 8D]
Delirium! Ahhh-ha! Just what I'm not having, woman! Madam! You!
No delirium, no valuable directives, not for me!
So -
[End recording.]
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