Zomg...I've been dreading this day. Don't ask me why...it's the day all the fanfiction goes up. All the fanfiction = High Price of Birth, of course. Blah.
Well...Here we go...
Title: The High Price of Birth (1/?)
Rating: R
Summary: AU Pan is 17, and the Saiyajin once again control the universe. She is taken from her home to Vejitasei and presented as Prince Trunks' betrothed. Royal life isn't all that it's cracked up to be. TP GM BU
The Saiya-jin keep a close eye on everything, including births and deaths, no matter how trivial the individuals are. Demi-Saiya-jin are especially of interest to the Saiya-jin regime because of the extreme power that they exhibit. It is interesting: These people pride themselves on being pure and honorable, yet they consider those with only half their blood to somehow be more perfect and more whole.
Before I was 17, I had never seen a Saiya-jin in person, only on the TV in our mountain-side house. Papa and Mama, knowing that the Saiya-jin would want me to leave them, hid me away in our house and as far as we knew, the government never suspected. Mama barely gained any weight when she got pregnant with me at 20 years old. She covered up her bump with sweaters and big purses and gave birth at home with only my father to help.
Papa said that when he was nine, he helped defeat an inter-galatic overlord named Furieza with the help of Grandpa, Krillen and Piccolo on Namek-sei. They used the Dragonballs a few weeks later to wish back all the planets and people destroyed by Fureiza. For the next eight years, everyone lived in peace, not knowing that Grandpa’s native race had been rebuilding, and conquering planet after planet in quick succession to rebuild their empire. It came as a shock to everyone when a large battle ship descended upon them at a picnic at Capsule Corp when Papa was seventeen. The Commander of the ship and its crew was none other than Grandpa’s own biological father, Bardock. Of course, Grandpa didn’t see the obvious resemblance right away and Piccolo had to point it out to him.
Bardock stated that he had come to retrieve the Prince, another Saiya-jin named Vejita, whom I’ve never met. Prince Vejita’s father had died the year before, renaming him as his sole heir, though he did not know if his son was alive or not. Vejita decided that his duty to his deceased father and his planet was greater than his connections to Chikyuu and agreed to go - Once Buruma-san "packed up her fat ass" and got on the ship.
At that time, Papa says, Buruma was still dating Yamucha but had been "carrying on" (Grandma's words, not Papa's) with Vejita and had gotten pregnant with his heir. At the time, he claimed that he wouldn't stand to see his son born or raised on Chikyuu and didn't care much for the "blue haired wench." But...even though the royal palace keeps the family very protected, they hadn't denied reports of three more children.
Three years later, Buruma, no, then Duchess Buruma, traveled back to Chikyuu-sei with three battleships, setting down five miles south-east of the capitol. This is where the final natural King of the planet resided and worked, in Mizu Palace. Over the next nineteen days, contracts were written up, edited, reworded and signed. Terms were agreed and disagreed upon. The media swarmed over the lawns, trying to get the smallest detail about what was going on inside the palace walls, the burly men with tails, and the business tycoon granted the highest title next to ‘Queen.’ Finally, King Kokusa and Her Grace released a series of press statements.
The citizens of Chikyuu were appalled to find out that their planet was to become one of the conquered planets of the Saiya-jin empire. Effective immediately, the planet came under the direct rule of Vejita-Ou, and has remained that way ever since.
Buruma didn’t get to visit her friends, but three Saiya-jin warriors personally delivered a small envelope to the hands of Grandma. The contents still remain in a separate photo album on the shelf right above the fireplace -- photos of a small toddler with hair unusually identical to his daddy’s.
I think the fact that now Grandma knew what her lost baby looked like made her even sadder. Maybe pretending that he didn’t exist was easier. Poor Grandpa tried his hardest to make her happy, but it was never his true forte. The only thing he could do was stay home with her more, but he still took on a small boy named Uubu as his student.
I never left the house, and the few picnics and get-togethers were now held over in our backyard. I was home-schooled by Grandma, and the only kids I knew were the various children of the Z-senshi.
Ah! It's finally up!