Who: John Egbert, Vriska Serket, Rose Lalonde, Tavros Nitram
When: After rooms have been discovered, and clothing has been located.
Where: Recreation room.
What: A bunch of online friends meet in person!
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
John went to the wrong hallway first. It took him a few seconds to realize there was no room 21, and therefore no alien friend about to burst out that door. He wondered how tall she was. Were trolls bigger than humans? Was Vriska just taller than him in general? With those questions on his mind, he dashed back to the other set of doors. Alright, there was room 21. A real, solid room, and Vriska was probably inside.
It was surreal. He looked at the door for several seconds, waiting for it to feel less weird, or maybe to figure out why he was being so weird about it. It wasn't as though John had ever doubted their existence. Once upon a time he had doubted they were aliens, sure. But if any of that residue still clung to his brain, seeing her on video had washed it away. Ashy gray skin, unreal yellow eyes, horns, and rows of sharp teeth, all attached to someone who seemed really happy to see him.
It was less scary meeting Rose, but no less exciting. He had known Rose for ages. She was one of his best friends, and she was so smart and collected that he felt smarter just being around her. (Even though he was realistically being a whole lot dumber.) And, well, she was human. That made her a million times less intimidating to meet. Not that he was particularly intimidated by either of them, but... in some ways, maybe he was. Karkat had basically said he thought Vriska was flirting with him? And then he was supposed to marry Rose?? And now he had to meet them both at once???
John retreated to the imaginary safety of the rec room and dropped himself bodily onto a couch, collapsing into a heap of limbs and embarrassment. He would just turn off his brain and wait here.